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Thursday, August 2

Angelfire Trilogy By Courtney Allison Moulton

Title: Angelfire
Author: Courtney Allison Moulton
Series: Angelfire # 1
Hardcover: 453
Genre: PNR Young Adult
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication: February 15th 2011
 -First there are nightmares.Every night Ellie is haunted by terrifying dreams of monstrous creatures that are hunting her, killing her.-Then come the memories.When Ellie meets Will, she feels on the verge of remembering something just beyond her grasp. His attention is intense and romantic, and Ellie feels like her soul has known him for centuries. On her seventeenth birthday, on a dark street at midnight, Will awakens Ellie's power, and she knows that she can fight the creatures that stalk her in the grim darkness. Only Will holds the key to Ellie's memories, whole lifetimes of them, and when she looks at him, she can no longer pretend anything was just a dream.-Now she must hunt.Ellie has power that no one can match, and her role is to hunt and kill the reapers that prey on human souls. But in order to survive the dangerous and ancient battle of the angels and the Fallen, she must also hunt for the secrets of her past lives and truths that may be too frightening to remember.
I bought Angelfire the minute it was released; yet it lay on my shelf begging me to pick it up. After 500 days, I gave in and almost kicked myself for not giving in sooner! This story is an action packed book, laced with centuries old romance, great conversations and swoon worthy moments yet coiled with a little teen angst too.

Angelfire conveys a fresh, one-off spin with its Angel mythos, one that intrigued me. This story is centered on Ellie, a seventeen years-old girl, who loves to do normal teenage things… except for the dreams. As the story unfolds, we find out that Ellie is an ancient, old soul, maybe as old as time…  and she is a warrior, The Warrior called the Preliator and her undertaking is to obliterate the demons that meanders the earth.  As it turns out; she doesn't remember her duties until she meets Will, an Angel who is bounded to her! As well as to guard her and train her in order to become the warrior capable to destroy demons. The question is… WHO AND WTF IS Ellie? And that’s the engrossing part that will keep you turning pages.
With the help of her Guardian, Will, Ellie's reminiscences creeps back in tads and fragments over the course of the entire book!  Brilliant!

The foundation of this series is of the war myth told and past down for generations about the war in heaven and how Lucifer was cast down… However this debut series has fashioned another version that captivates the reader. The fight scenes where amazing and well written, the character building and world creating were well thought and riveting and I like it. Courtney Allison Moulton is a young author, but you’d never guess from what she has penned. Moulton is artistic and articulate in her writing and I must say I approve! Stamped signed and accepted! I started book two immediately curious to see what happens and how our characters would deal with the revelations that was thrown at them.

Title: Wings Of The Wicked
Author: Courtney Allison Moulton
Series: Angelfire # 2
Hardcover: 516
Genre: PNR Young Adult
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication: January 31st 2012
-Life as the Preliator is harder than Ellie ever imagined.Balancing real life with the responsibility of being Heaven’s warrior is a challenge for Ellie. Her relationship with Will has become all business, though they both long for each other. And now that the secret of who she really is has come out, so have Hell’s strongest reapers. Grown bold and more vicious, the demonic threaten her in the light of day and stalk her in the night.-She’s been warned.Cadan, a demonic reaper, comes to her with information about Bastian’s new plan to destroy Ellie’s soul and use an ancient relic to wake all the souls of the damned and unleash them upon humanity. As she fights to stay ahead of Bastian’s schemes , the revelations about those closest to her awaken a dark power within Ellie that threatens to destroy everything—including herself.-She’ll be betrayed.Treachery comes even from those whom she loves, and Ellie is broken by the deaths of those who stood beside her in this Heavenly war. Still, she must find a way to save the world, herself, and her love for Will. If she fails, there will be hell to pay.
WOW! What a ride? I loved this installment; it was heart pounding, jaw dropping, swoon worthy and heart wrenching.  Courtney Allison Moulton had me enthralled! Wings of the Wicked, is a non-stop, action packed, exciting sequel that's racy, dark, and emotionally riveting. Wings of the Wicked picks up a little while after Angelfire ended.  Ellie still needs to find a way to stop Bastian from freeing the Enshi and essentially destroying the world. Problem is, how?  And at what cause?
I love Loved the new mythos and the clarification of how the Enshi has so much power, I like how Moulton added the twist and surprises and I completely didn't see any of the new particulars coming! I like the fact that Ellie grew up a lot in this book and how the Author elaborated on the enigma that is Cadan. Also new creatures are introduced which seem really lethal but also were easy to imagine. And! The fight scenes! Magnificent! OMG!
Will and Ellie’s relationship, which in my option is the best part of this book, progressed into the next level.  I was a little worried I thought that the entire book was going to become a love triangle, Angelic reaper and Demonic Reaper, (Will vs. Cadan) or Ellie lusting after Will and him not surrendering because of duty... but again I was contentedly wrong! Each romantic scene was unequivocally delightful, and Will doesn't stay resolute the entire novel! One thing I noticed about Will/Ellie, they are/were contented and cozy with each other in a way that didn't inevitably mean sexual. I love it! The ending though, was tragic and I hope it ends well…. Because WOW… that was…NOPE!  It can’t be!
Wings of the Wicked pocketed everything I loved about Angelfire and amplified it by millions.  Courtney Allison Moulton has written a sequel that has me on the edge of my sit and left me wanting more. NOW!

Title: Shadows in the Silence
Author: Courtney Allison Moulton
Series: Angelfire # 3
Hardcover: 381
Genre: PNR Young Adult
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication: January 29th 2013
Your strength in heart and hand will fall. . . .Ellie knows that the darkest moments are still to come, and she has everything to fight for:-She must fight for Will.The demonic have resorted to their cruelest weapons to put Will in mortal danger, and Ellie makes an unlikely alliance to save him and to stop Lilith and Sammael, who seek to drown the world in blood and tear a hole into Heaven.-She must fight for humanity.As the armies of Hell rise and gather for the looming End of Days, Ellie and her band of allies travel to the world’s darkest and most ancient regions in her quest to come into her full glory as the archangel Gabriel.-And Ellie must save herself.Her humanity withers beneath the weight of her cold archangel power, but Ellie must hold tight to who she is andWho she loves as she prepares for the ultimate battle for Heaven and Earth.In this final installment in the Angelfire trilogy, Courtney Allison Moulton brings her dark world of epic battles and blistering romance to a blazing bright conclusion.


Preet said...

I'm not familiar with this series, but I'm totally intrigued by the mythology behind it. I especially love anything with a kick-butt female! Great review.

Lauren @ Northern Plunder said...

I haven't heard of this series but I may have to pick it up :)

Rachel Cotterill said...

Intriguing - did you enjoy the later ones as much as the first?

Dawn & Winnie Book Reviews said...

@ Preet Yes! Book two is getting good too.

Dawn & Winnie Book Reviews said...

@ Rachel, I am its getting good too.

Michelle Sedeño said...
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