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Dawn's Current Lust

Jennifer Armentrout

Sweet Peril

Sweet Peril
April 30th 2013

Death's Angel

Death's Angel
December 21st 2012

Fury Of Seduction

Fury Of Seduction
November 13th 2012

Gates Of Paradise

Gates Of Paradise
January 15th 2012

Blood- Kissed Sky

Blood- Kissed Sky
December 26th 2012

Days of Blood & Starlight

Days of Blood & Starlight
November 6th 2012


October 30th 2012

A Circle of Seven Series

A Circle of Seven Series
December 4th 2012
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  • For millennia we've caught only glimpses of the lives and loves of the gods and goddesses on olympus. now aimee carter pulls back the curtain on how they became the powerful, petty, loving and dangerous immortals that kate winters knows.
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Heather Killough-Walden is a California native currently living in Texas with her husband and child. She is the New York Times bestselling author of the Big Bad Wolf series. Heather’s educational background includes religious studies, archeology, and law. Visit Heather’s website at, where you can sign up for her newsletter. Also, be sure to keep in touch with her and other fans through her Facebook fan page and through Twitter (killoughwalden)!

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, we almost feel guilty for taking your time, but we can’t help ourselves…. We keep thinking, “Ms. Walden should be writing something, not talking to us,” but this is an opportunity Dawn and I wouldn’t want to miss and we are glad.

 Thank YOU for your interest and hard work! I’m honored to be here. :D

1. Heather Killough- Walden is that your name or is it a pen name?

That’s my real name. :D I do have a pen name, however. That’s just not it. LOL

- Hmm… Wanna share? (Beaming)

2. Have you always wanted to become a writer?

 Yes. Since I was around five, my spirit understood that the written word was its soul mate. It just took a very long time for it to admit as much.

3. What’s the best thing about being an author?

Being able to create anything – anything at all – by swiping the ink of a pen across a piece of paper. People have no idea how powerful words are. Words have created nations – and destroyed them. They have borne entire faiths, saved hundreds of lives, and killed millions more. Turning that power to fantasy is just as powerful, if in a different way. I give figurative birth to people who become as real to many readers as my next door neighbor is to me. I open doors that will never be closed again. Once it’s written – once it’s read – it’s done, it exists. It is remembered. And nothing will ever change that. That’s pretty cool. :D

4. You have about five series out yeah?
Let’s see…. I have The October Trilogy, The Chosen Soul series, the Forever Neverland series, The Kings, The Big Bad Wolf series, the Hell Bent series, and the Lost Angels series. So, seven? Wow…. That’s too many series.
– NO! Keep them coming… Please!

5. Could you tell us a bit about the series?
 - The October Trilogy is a young adult paranormal romance that takes place in October the way the TV show Twenty-Four theoretically took place in the course of a single day.
- The Chosen Soul series is a romantic fantasy featuring devils and gods, a heroine borne of intricate magic and miracles, and a hero as fierce (and sexy) as all the hot bad guys put together. Drake of Tanith, the second book in TCS series, is one of my favorite books. I would put it up there with Hell Bent, The Phantom King, and Death’s Angel.
Forever Neverland is a romantic young adult adventure featuring a grown up Peter Pan and a Captain James Hook who is not what you’ve always believed him to be. This is a truly magical novel and series, a ride through the imagination unlike anything you’ve experienced.
- The Big Bad Wolf series and its spinoff, The Kings, you already know all about. This is paranormal romance featuring all of the big, hot baddies you’ve grown to love: werewolves, vampires, demons, ghosts, warlocks and witches and so forth. Hot, hot, hot. This is for the reader who knows exactly what kind of book she’s in the mood to read. ;)
- The Lost Angels is my only print publication series. It’s a paranormal romance series featuring the four quintessential archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Azrael. You’ve got fallen angels, intensely charismatic bad guys, vampires the likes of which you’ve never imagined, and a plot that won’t stop twisting and turning. This is a breathless ride. Death’s Angel – out in January of 2013 – is another of my favorite books.
- Hell Bent was originally supposed to be a stand-alone novel, but it received so much positive feedback, I decided to consider a follow-up novel: Mean Business. When this will come out, I have no idea. LOL Hell Bent is a romantic action/adventure/thriller featuring a hero and heroine with a love for one another that is stronger than ten romance novels put together. Seriously, there’s just something about how these characters turned out. It wasn’t even my doing. It was theirs; they’re that strong. They really took over. There’s no man on Earth like Jack Thane.

6. You also have two new releases in a span of one month apart.  The Phantom King was released May 13th 2012 and Messenger’s Angel June 5th 2012.
WOW! How do you do it?
- LOL I have no idea.

7. The Phantom King is book two of The King series, a very fascinating Spin-off of the BBW Series, and Messenger’s Angel is another delightful Series you are writing.
  How did you come up with the stories, angles, ideas and research?
That’s a question that requires a bit of introspection to answer. I’m so used to just writing, I don’t often stop to consider where the ideas come from. I believe they come from things I notice around me. I’m a bit like Monk in some respects: highly sensitive. “It’s a gift… and a curse.” I see and hear everything. It can be overwhelming, but at least my stories possess detail. I also can’t discount my husband. He’s a wonderful inspiration at times.

7a.  “Who” or “What” is your Muse?
My husband would have to be my number one “who.” The “what” would just have to be life. Life is a very colorful thing, full of many extremes. There are no soft edges to it. Pain is obvious and sharp and draws blood, but when you think about how something as seemingly innocent as enjoying ice cream can destroy a woman’s self esteem and ultimately ruin much of her life, you realize that even pleasure is jagged. I think it’s why we write and why we read. Our words are like sandpaper; they shave off the splinters and smooth out the spikes a little.

7b.  The Phantom King’s Cover art is lovely, how did you come up with the design? Who designed the covers to your books?
 I design and create all of the covers to my self-pub books. The idea represented on the cover will always match some concept found within the novel or series. I often purchase photo stock and then use Photoshop to manipulate the images until I have what I want, or I take the photographs myself. I was a professional photographer for a time, so I do have that to fall back on when I need it. Forever Neverland, Hell Bent, The Chosen Soul, and Redeemer – those are all pics I took with my own trusty Canon. :D

7c. How Many books are there going to be in The Kings Series and The Lost Angels Series? (Originally I thought it was four books, but rumor has it that there might be a fifth book or more, is that true?).
Rumor can be a wonderful thing in the literary world. (Smiling) Yes, there are more than four books in The Lost Angels series. In fact, there are more than five if you also count Always Angel, the eBook-only introductory novella that I must INSIST everyone read. Believe me, when it comes to the fifth full-length novel, you’ll want to have read Always Angel. It’s pretty much essential to the plotline.
The Kings series will have at least thirteen books to it. And that’s all I’m saying!

Bummer! ***sighs*** We did try...

8. Are there any tidbits or spoilers you would like us to know or something you would freely volunteer? Okay please tell us something to keep us on our toes… about the up coming books-“The warlock King” and “Death’s Angel”…
Well… I’m a firm believer in not posting spoilers since my readers are on different time zones and different release date schedules, but I WILL say that The Warlock King is shaping up nicely. It takes place in Hawaii and you meet another King and learn more about the ones you’ve already met. You’re going to fall ever deeper in love with them.
As far as “Death’s Angel” is concerned – damn. Wow. What can I say about this book except that it is probably my absolute favorite of every book I have ever written, including “ Hell Bent”. And when I say that, people who have read Hell Bent and know how much it means to me will be a little blown away. But trust me… (Shakes head and bites lip) this is one incredibly good book.

9.When should we expect “The Warlock king” and “Death’s Angel“ to be released? 
The official release date in the US for Death’s Angel is January 2013. It was originally scheduled for November of this year, however we have the presidential elections and they interfere with book releases, so the date was changed. Most likely it will come a few weeks later in the UK and work its way out from there.
I don’t have a release date for The Warlock King yet. Sorry! However short or long the wait is, I promise it’ll be worth it. :D

Hmm… Presidential Election… Is it too late to vote for the November Release? I vote for ” Death’s Angel”! : D

Ms. Walden, our next few question are out of sheer curiosity and fascination, but your fans would love to know.

10. What inspired you to write your first book?
I’ve always written in one form or another, but it took something drastic to get me to actually finish a full-length book: Depression, pure and deep and horrid. I was drowning in the muck that can be found at the very bottom of that slippery-sloped abyss and the only rope ladder in sight was constructed of muddy, mired, worn and torn letters of the blessed alphabet. I took it. The book was called Comeuppance. You may read mention of a movie/book series called Comeuppance in book one of The Lost Angels series, Avenger’s Angel. It’s a private reference and nod to my first novel and what I went through in penning it. I only printed three copies and never showed it to anyone. At the moment, I honestly don’t even know where it is.

11. How much of your books are realistic?
It’s very important to me that I infuse my fantasies with a good dose of reality. I feel that if I’m not at least attempting to make some positive difference in the world when I write, then I’m doing it for the wrong reason. Hence, I instill the books with situations that call for compassion, scenarios that spark intelligence, and most of all, characters who not only possess, but also engender empathy. Empathy is the building block of all that is good in the world. Sympathy comes close; it’s a half-step, a tentative movement that stops just short of true understanding and therefore real, passionate help. Empathy closes the gap between the individuals of humanity and draws us together in a way nothing else can. We need more of it.

12. Are the experiences in your books based on someone you know or events in your own life?
I write what I know. So you can rest assured that almost everything of mine that you read possesses some aspect of my life within it.
Ahh…. Everything? (Gulps).

13. Is there a message in your novels that you want your readers to seize?
It depends upon the novel, really. Redeemer’s message is different (to a certain degree) than the one you’ll find in Forever Neverland. But I won’t tell you what those messages are.Literature is art, and therefore subjective. We each pull out of it what we need. If I’m creating mine right, my readers know what I’m talking about.

14. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I’ve got a sort of triad of authors that I have always fallen back on: Edgar Allan Poe, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), and Ray Bradbury. Bradbury died just recently, and it really struck a nerve for me. I felt bereft knowing that I would never be able to shake his writing hand and tell him what an immense influence he has had on my life. These three have tended to my writer’s soul in different and essential ways. Poe touches the gothic the suffering, the lonesome, in me. He is the Halloween, the raven’s cry, and the flickering candle in the darkness. Clemens is the bigger picture guy that keeps me grounded, pulls me back from the portrait so I can see the whole thing, and reminds me to laugh at life instead of cry. Bradbury is the musical dance of words that I have waltzed along with since I was a child. No one could turn a phrase like Ray. He was a master. I mean, how beautiful is this excerpt from The Halloween Tree?
“So,” said Mound shroud. “If we fly fast, maybe we can catch Pipkin. Grab his sweet Halloween corn-candy soul. Bring him back, pop him in bed, toast him warm, save his breath. What say, lads? Search and seek for lost Pipkin, and solve Halloween, all in one fell dark blow?”

They thought of All Hallows’ Night and the billion ghosts awandering the lonely lanes in cold winds and strange smokes. They thought of Pipkin, no more than a thimbleful of boy and sheer summer delight, torn out like a tooth and carried off on a black tide of web and horn and black soot.

And, almost as one, they murmured: “Yes.”

15. What is the hardest part of writing for you?
Finding time to do it. Seriously, it’s becoming increasingly difficult with each passing day.

16. If you had to choose, which supernatural creature are you most relatable too? Vampires - Angels – Werewolves- or Fair Folks and why?
- I suppose I might be a cross between one of the Fae and an angel - a fallen angel, that is. (And now I have my new paranormal creature). A fallen angel because society attempted to create me in its image, tried to force me to be something that I'm not, and I've bucked the system. And one of the fae because... I believe in magic. :) Hell, you pretty much HAVE to believe in some kind of magic in order to survive in this multiverse. A bit of insanity is an absolute requisite to staying sane.

17. Here is a list…  you HAVE to pick one each! No longer than 10 seconds… so think fast,- Ready- Set- Go!!!
Fangs or Wings
Fangs. I've always wanted them. Wouldn't you just love to be able to stare back at the bitch giving you a dirty look, and then smile that SMILE - and flash your fangs? That would shut her the hell up, wouldn't it?
Magic or Brawn
Magic! Come on! LOL My husband is the one who's all "Hulk smash." I'm more Hermione-Titania-Siobhan. That said, I’d still kick the shit out of anyone who messes with me the wrong way.
Good or Badass
Alpha or Beta (Wolves)
Oh Alpha all the way. All. The. Way.
Motorcycle or Sports Car
Both. But though I am licensed to ride and sometimes do, I must admit I own a muscle car: A jet black Shelby Cobra. I do have a kid after all, and she has to be transported from point A to point B. it's safer than a bike.... At least most of the time. ;D
Fire or Ice
Fire. I have the temper from hell, a head hotter than Satan's, and a burning, driving desire that tops any conflagration found in Asmodeus's realm.
Malcolm Cole or Azrael
Az. When you read Death's Angel, you'll know why.
 -You did awesome, that really was quick thinking!!! LOL… Oh… Az is MINE!

18. What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? And how would you answer that question?
Question: Can I get you a big cup of coffee?
And my answer: Oh God, yes, please… For the love of all that is holy, I’ll take a quad, venti, two-pump soy mocha. Thank you!!! :D
LOL. OMG, that was funny… (Chuckles)

19. What are you working on now?
Right now, I’m working on Secretly Sam, the second book in The October Trilogy, and The Warlock King, which is the third book in The Kings series. I’m also jotting down notes for the third book in The Chosen Soul series and for Beyond Neverland, the second book in the Neverland series. :D

20. Any final word Publishing or otherwise?
Never, a final word. Only be a word that fills the silent gap before the next one is spoken. Let the words go on forever. :D

Thank you for taking the time to answer all our questions it was a pleasure… and please write fast!J

Thank you so much for having me!! :D  xoxo

And that concludes our interview…  We just finished talking with Heather Killough –Walden; Heather is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of the Big Bad Wolf series. Check out all of Heather's novels, including the upcoming Lost Angels series, at Amazon and on Barnes and Noble Nook


J. A. London is the mother-son writing team of Jan and Alex Nowasky. As Rachel Hawthorne, Jan has written many novels for teens, including the popular Dark Guardian series. Alex, a recent graduate with a degree in Historical Studies, enjoys combining history and fiction to create unique worlds.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. We are super excited!
Thank you so much for the interest in an interview. We enjoy sharing Dawn’s world with others

1.   J. A. London is a pseudonym of Jan Nowasky (aka Rachel Hawthorne, Lorraine Heath, & Jade Parker) and Alex Nowasky…. How did you come up with the pseudonym name?
We decided to use the initials of our first names for the J. A. Then we decided to go with London as homage to our British heritage. And we liked how J. A. London sounded when we put them together.

2.   What inspired you to write your first book?
Alex had finished a draft for a vampire-dystopia, but felt that it wasn’t quite right—it needed a teenager angle. So he asked if I wanted to take a stab at making it for a younger audience. From there, the story just took on a life of its own, and we decided working together on this project was actually pretty fun, and J. A. London was born.

3.   Why Paranormal and Dystopia (Which is awesome, but this particular mix?).
Paranormal fiction involves the “strange” in the world of today, while dystopia involves the “normal” in the world of tomorrow. By combining both genres, it’s like playing in a gigantic sandbox: anything we want to do or create is possible. That, of course, comes with some serious headaches as we try to keep our own creations from getting out of control!
But having classic Victorian vampires in a ruined future just had the right mix of both genres. Like Dawn, we were able to move between worlds, like a director between movie sets, and create unique experiences.

4.   In your own words…tell us a little about Darkness Before Dawn.
The story is about a teenage girl thrust into an adult world that is still reeling from the outcome of a war that pitted humans against vampires—and the vampires won. She wants an uncomplicated life, but survival is based on her ability to negotiate and to keep her wits about her. She hates vampires with a passion—but then all humans do. But when she meets Victor, she eventually comes to realize that everything she thought was true isn’t. He shakes up her life and the yearnings of her heart.

5.   What's your favorite part of Darkness Before Dawn?
The world, and watching Dawn explore it and bringing the reader along for the ride. Not only does the reader get to experience this new place, but they also get to understand its inhabitants. Painting a vivid picture is more than just set-design; its crafting characters that we hope are memorable and you’ll want to cheer for.

6.   When naming your characters, do you give any thought to the actual meaning?
For Dawn? Definitely. There was a lot of meaning, some obvious, some less so. We wanted her to be a symbol of what vampires fear, but we also wanted this idea of “changing colors,” just like the sky does as dawn rises. The beautiful covers throughout the series really emphasize this trait wonderfully!

7.   Can you tell us anything about Blood- Kissed Sky?
With Blood-Kissed Sky we expand the world for the reader even more. We take Dawn out of Denver and she travels to Los Angeles. She’s never been far from the city, and so this journey is new for her, and for the reader. They get to explore the vast and wasted countryside together, and when Dawn arrives in Los Angeles, she finds that not all cities are created equal.

8.   Blood-Kissed Sky, sounds deadly, what should we expect?
You should expect it to be different from Darkness Before Dawn. We wanted to ensure that we didn’t recycle things from the first book. A new place to explore, a few new faces, and definitely some new challenges await. We really wanted to start raising the stakes in book 2 (pun intended), and give the entire series a larger scope, but while still retaining the close interactions of Dawn and her friends.

9.   Okay, well we want to know… why is Dawn so special? “Bloody Valentine” mentioned it, so did his assassin in the prologue… so … ahh… what’s the deal? Inquiring minds here… (Beaming)
Oh, telling you would be such a huge spoiler, so we’ll just have to keep that little secret to ourselves. But we will reveal it in Blood-Kissed Sky.

10.                 The Cover Art for both books is beautiful who designed it?
Our publisher, HarperCollins Children’s gets the credit for giving us such a beautiful cover. The photograph is by Derek Brewster and the cover design is by Sammy Yuen.

11.                 Are your books going to be recorded on Audio?
We have not been told that they will be, but they have made many of the Rachel Hawthorne books available in audio so we’re hoping that the Darkness Before Dawn series will be as well.

Thank you so much for your time. We just have a couple more questions…

12.                 Who is your favorite author and are your writing style similar to theirs?
Jan: My favorite author of teen books is Sophie Jordan, but I don’t think our styles are similar.
Alex: For teen novels, Clive Barker’s The Thief of Always will forever be close to my heart.

13.                 What are you working on now…?
We are finishing up After Daybreak, the final book in the Darkness Before Dawn trilogy.
It was a pleasure talking to you and thank you for the wonderful   opportunity.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to share Darkness Before Dawn with your followers.
We have just finished an Interview with J.A London, Author of Darkness Before Dawn Trilogy, out in stores now! And Blood- Kissed Sky, Expected Publication December 26th2012.

D. B. Reynolds is the Author of the Vampires in America series, as well as other paranormal fiction. She is also the recipient of the 2010 RT Award for Best Paranormal Fiction, as well as two Emmy nominations for her work in television sound. DB married her University Professor and now lives with him in a flammable canyon near Los Angeles. When not writing her next book, she can usually be found reading someone else's…

The minute we read D. B. Reynolds’s Raphael, from her Vampires In America Series, we knew we had something extraordinary in our hands. Dawn and I are very pleased to have one of our favorite Authors, D.B. Reynolds, here to talk with us…

1.      Ms. Reynolds thanks a lot for joining us today! 
Can you tell us about your Vampires in America Series?

The Vampires in America series basically tells the story of the eight Vampire Lords who rule all of North America, and their love interests, with some mystery/adventure thrown in. Anyone who’s read the books knows it’s a tad more complicated than that, but that’s the essential set-up of the series.

2.      And how does your new book, Lucas, fit into it?

Lucas was introduced at the very end of DUNCAN (Book 5.) He’s Lord of the Plains Territory, which means basically all those square states in the middle. Lucas is also featured briefly in the first Cyn/Raphael e-novella, which will be out this summer. In the e-novella, we get a glimpse into the relationship between Raphael and Lucas, which is unique among Raphael’s vampires. The e-novella then leads directly into Lucas’s own story, which is Book 6 of the series. In that book, Lucas is facing a war with his neighboring Vampire Lord from the Midwest, whose name is Klemens. But at the same time, he’s also being visited by the FBI in the person of Special Agent Kathryn Hunter who’s looking for her missing brother. She thinks the vampires have him, which brings her to visit Lucas. Those two meet and the sparks fly, and not always in a good way.

3.      Tidbits, Spoiler anything at all… (Winking).

A snippet, a snippet … I never read spoilers or snippets myself, but I know lots of readers like them, so here’s a tiny taste of my Lucas.

He was interrupted by the incoming call signal. He pulled the cell phone away from his ear long enough to check the caller ID, and then said to Nicholas, “Speak of the devil and he will surely appear. Klemens is on call waiting. I’ll get back to you.” Lucas switched over to the incoming call with the flick of a finger. Modern technology was a marvelous thing!
“Klemens, old chap, what can I do for you? Or more to the point … to you?”
“Cut the crap, you fucking Irish gutter rat,” Klemens snarled. “Who the hell do you think you are taking out a house on my fucking territory!”
“Your territory? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I disciplined one of my vampires last night, along with his fellow traitors.”
“Two of those vampires you killed were mine and you know it.”
“Two of yours? How sad. Well, as my dear old Gran used to say,’ if you lie down with dogs, boyo, you will surely get fleas.’”
“Your fucking Gran was a pox-riddled whore on the streets of Dublin.”
Lucas laughed. “Quite right, Klemens. I had no idea you’d met her.”

HA! LOL, That was hilarious…! I have always loved Irish accents…  **Sighs**
 I can tell Lucas’s book will be humorous… and I am sold! Build the anticipation why don’t you Ms. Reynolds 
**Chuckles*** Thank you for that!!!

4.      When can we see the Cover Art to Lucas?

Right now! I put it up on my blog last week. Lucas is ever so pretty! Oh, yeah, and so is Kathryn. : D

Yeah… Kat’s all right… >:) But LUCAS… (Dreamy eyes) Ahem! Focus!

5.      How many more books are remaining in this intriguing series? Can you get an extension?  We want more… America is huge and I am sure there’re many territories you can conjure up, add, and incorporate! We hate to see the conclusion of this riveting world.

My current contract with ImaJinn Books is for 8 novels (Lucas is number 6.) But ImaJinn and I are already in talks to extend the series, so I’m sure there will be more. There are only eight territories in all of North America, though, so the new books will have a different overarching theme, while being set in the same universe. And they will probably re-visit some of the existing characters, too.

Really? That’s a relief… I mean there’re some books you can’t help but urge to come to an end, yet others you mourn like a lost friend… Vampires In America is without doubt in the friend category… Just saying…

6.      Are your books going to be recorded on Audio? If No, whom do we petition for the Audio rights?

My publisher is looking into this. The problem is one of demand, because most audio publishers require a significant up front commitment. But ImaJinn is definitely looking into it.

Again, Thanks for that… D

7.      Are we going to be seeing more of our favorite couple, Cyn and Raphael?

Definitely. The new e-novellas will all feature Cyn and Raphael, and they’re likely to play a significant role in the second set of books, i.e., the ones that go beyond the original 8.

 No WAY! (Bubbling with excitement) ***Giggles***

8.      Ms. Reynolds, Inquiring minds want to know, what inspired you to write your first book?

I wrote my very first book (which was not RAPHAEL) during a summer job when I was in college. I was sitting at a desk in a bullpen kind of office, tasked with answering phones and typing the occasional form. I was bored much of the time, but I couldn’t READ a book, because that would have been too obvious. So, I wrote one instead by hand. I looked terribly industrious, and at the end of the summer, I had my paychecks and my first book. Which, admittedly, wasn’t very good! : D

9.      How did you choose the Genre you write in?

I’ve been reading Science Fiction and Fantasy all my life, but especially since high school. I’ve always enjoyed imagining things beyond the world as we know it, and, as a writer, the Paranormal Genre gives me the freedom to create a new reality, which is very satisfying.

10.    Where do you get your ideas or are your ideas based on personal experience?

Well, not too many vampires hanging around, so that part at least isn’t based on personal experience. Though, if they were as gorgeous as my guys, I wouldn’t mind. But most of my ideas pop into my head at weird times, like in the shower, or just before I fall asleep. I imagine that’s because my brain isn’t particularly occupied at those times, so ideas are able to bubble to the surface. I do rely on personal experience and educational background in constructing my stories, and especially the historical backstories of my vamps.

Interesting…  NO! Vampires, don’t hang around… well… not that we know of anyway... D

11.    Ms. Reynolds, I am just going to come out and ask, where are you hiding the Lords? Raphael, Rajmund, Duncan and even Lucas (he sounds Dashing and mischievous!)

I could tell you, but then Raphael would have to kill you. And I wouldn’t want that.

I don’t know… That might not be a bad way to go… Raphael is a god!

12.    Your characters’ names are also the title to their respective books. It’s very unique, how did you come up with that?

It was an accident, and mostly because I’m so bad at coming up with titles. My working titles of the first two books were the Vampire Lord’s names, and my publisher went with that, not knowing they were only working titles. I figured if she was happy, I was happy, so the names became the titles. There are other series in Paranormal Romance who have used the same naming device, by the way. I can’t claim that it’s unique to me.

13.    Do you have a favorite character? If yes, who is your Fav??? And please don’t say you like all your characters; even moms have their favorite baby! 

My mom had a favorite baby? Was I the one??? Actually, she did, and no, I wasn’t it. Darn it! I do love all of my guys, but they’re very, very different. Raphael is the sexiest, Duncan the most compassionate. My favorite vamp used to be Rajmund, because I thought he would be the most fun to spend a night out with. But Lucas is right up there with him now. I guess they’ll just have to share me. It’ll be rough, but I can do it. (Wink) 

Darn! I knew you were hiding them somewhere…

14.    Do you ever experience writer’s block?

Not so far (knock on wood.) There have been times when the story doesn’t flow, but I force myself to keep writing and eventually it starts to flow again.

15.    What is the best thing about being an author?

The freedom to write new stories! I love writing. I love seeing it all come together, love reading something I wrote and thinking, “Hey, that’s not bad!”

16.    What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?

You know, I can’t really think of a “toughest criticism.” I’m pretty philosophical about critiques of my books. I assume not everyone will like them. The only reviews that have truly bothered me are a couple on Amazon that criticize the books for grammatical/spelling errors because they’re simply inaccurate. I’m a damn clean writer and compulsive about proper grammar and spelling. My books are edited first by me, then by my writing partners, who are both skilled writers, and then my editor at ImaJinn Books professionally edits them. But also, writing is a creative process. Not every sentence is going to meet the test of subject/verb/object. People don’t speak that way, and writers don’t write that way.

Very True… Absolutely

My best compliments are the readers who tell me my stories made their lives easier, that they brightened an otherwise crappy day, or let them escape a painful day. Those reviews touch my heart and make me glad I’m a writer.

17.    After the Vampires in America Series, what’s the next chapter of your writing career? What are you working on now?

I’m working on a couple of new story ideas for new series beyond Vampires in America. The Vampire stories will continue, but I’m likely to introduce a new series also.

Soon, because I don’t think Dawn and I can restrain ourselves!

18.    Any last words?

As always, I want to thank all of the readers who have bought and read my books. I couldn’t do this thing that I love without all of you!

Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity Ms. Reynolds, it was a pleasure chatting with you! We are looking forward to your upcoming Release LUCAS-Vampires in America # 6 Out October 31st 2012!

Wendy Higgins received a Bachelor Degree in Creative Writing from George Mason University and a Master Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Radford University. After that, She taught High School English Language until She became a mom. She enjoys writing and writing Young Adult (YA) stories gave her the opportunity to delve into the ambiguities of those pivotal, daunting, and exciting years before her adulthood. Presently, She lives with her husband, daughter, and son in the D.C. Area. Sweet Evil Book one of The Sweet Trilogy her Debut Novel.

We are here with Wendy Higgins, Author of Sweet Evil… I just want to say welcome and thank you for joining us Wendy!!!
Winnie and I are ecstatic and we can’t wait to grill you… err… talk to you about Sweet Evil and maybe get you to spill a little Tidbit about your up coming sequel in the series…. (Winking).

1.   Wendy, would you please tell us a little about your debut book Sweet Evil?
It’s a steamy YA paranormal romance with angels and demons...and their children.  :)

2.   Just for the record, I love the originality of Sweet Evil and “Kudos” to your muse…  Have you always wanted to become a writer?
I’ve loved reading and writing since I was five, but I always thought          of it as a fun hobby and a far-away dream, not something I’d actually achieve. It’s definitely been a dream-come-true journey.

3.   Is Sweet Evil your first book published or other?
Yes, it’s my first published book.

4.   What exactly were you doing on the day you got the call, email or letter that you ‘re going to be published by Harper teen? : D
The day the editor from HarperCollins emailed me, it was after 6PM   and I was just about to start making dinner for my family. Well,          when I opened that message I had to leave the room so I wouldn’t scare my kids. I started, like, hyperventilating...sort of crying and gasping and covering my mouth to try not to scream! It was the most overwhelming, surprising feeling of pure shock and joy.

OH My! That’s amazing, congrats! J WOW…

5.   Your characters are unique and they fascinate me. Kaidan and Kopano are possible love interest, though I don’t see it. However, Kapono is an enigma, I can’t help but feel… a certain unease about his character and his Mr. perfect angle… well…could you enlighten us a little about him?  What do you think he’d say for himself? And what’s his deal with Anna (she’s Kaidan’s…I think).
Kopano is definitely an enigma—a mystery to all of the characters, in fact. But to him, Anna is the enigma, and he can’t help but feel drawn to her sweet nature. He’s not one to push an issue, but he has no qualms about putting his interest out there, knowing that Kaidan is probably not willing to take the risk of being in a          relationship. I think Kope wants her to know that if things don’t work out with Kai, he’s there.

6.   As for Kaidan, can LUST become LOVE In the world you’ve created?  Is it possible to overcome a person’s true nature in order to grasp or glimpse an atom of a promised bliss? - i.e. Kaidan and Anna… What do you think Kaidan would say if he had a chance?
Though we’re dealing with supernatural characters here, they’re very much like any of us. They have temptations (stronger than us, granted) but it’s all a matter of self-control. Mind over matter. They’re all capable of love, but it’s a matter of how they’ve been nurtured as to how guarded and careful they are. Kaidan would say that love is foolish—it only leads to death. But those are merely words.

Hmm… I thought so… Well put.

7.   How much research did you do for Sweet Evil? Did you travel a lot?
I researched the cross-country trip so I could get the route and timing right.  I’ve done a cross-country trip when I was younger & I loved every minute of it.
I also researched angel/demon lore and traditional names.

8.   Do you see a Happily Ever After for our entire beloved characters…  could you share?
It’s a trilogy, so there will be twists and turns before we finally get to the end. There will be some broken hearts and some surprises. But I’m a huge romantic...and that’s all I’ll say about that. :)

That’s it? Nothing?  You are tough! L

9.   There were lots of tension towards the conclusion of Sweet Evil, and a little hint of a Prideful Duke! Are we going to be seeing more of the Duke of Pride in the sequel?
Yes. Not a lot, but several of the Dukes make an appearance.

10.                 What’s next for the Duke and Prince of Lust?
Kaidan’s working with Lascivious on their first album in L.A. Who knows what his father is up to in Atlanta and NYC… *shivers*


11.                 If you were to pick a SIN; character wise off course (smiling), which Duke/Duchess would you, be?
I supposed I’d be the Duchess of Dance Clubs and Alcohol… character-wise, of course!  I’m pretty boring these days, though, lol! (Duke of clubbing, ha-ha! Now there’s an idea.)


12.                 Wendy, most people read for pleasure or for escapism… yet the end of   “Sweet Evil” was absolutely wicked. (By the way…Thanks for that!)  : D What can you tell us about the Sequel Sweet Hope or does the title hint at anything … be Hopeful ;) yes no maybe anything?
Sorry for the evil ending!

Huh! *** Glaring***

There just comes a point when hope is the only thing worth living for...hope that things will work out for the best in the end. In the sequel Anna does a good bit of growing up. She goes on an adventure, and through it all Kai is in her heart.

Yeah… It really was bittersweet *** Sighs***

13.                 Can you tell us about your upcoming sequel?
         SWEET HOPE is under consideration with the publisher right now. It’s being taken to the acquisition board, so I’m hoping to hear     news very, very soon! Yay! 

We can’t wait… J

14.                 What can we expect from Sweet Hope and when would it be released?
You can expect a slightly tougher Anna, who’s still sweet underneath. I don’t have any idea when it would be released yet, but I’m guessing it would be in the next 12-18 months.

15.                 Is Sweet Evil going to be recorded on audio book?
I’m not sure.  No rights of any kind have been sold yet. Hopefully       someday!

Ms. Higgins, lets get to know the woman behind the author… curious minds and all, okay maybe I am nosy.  : D

16.                 What do you do when you’re not writing?
I’m actually so boring. I’m a family girl. I am with my daughter (6) and son (3) all day, trying to keep us busy.

I bet…

17.                 Are there any particular Authors or Books that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult?
I grew up reading spooky R.L. Stine books, so I’ve always loved a little darkness. And more recently I’ve fallen in love with commercial, character driven writing, such as those by Richelle Mead.

18.                 What are the easiest parts of writing for you?
The passionate moments are always a bright spot for me. They stand out to me and I love writing romantic tension, kissing, and lovers’ quarrels, all of that fun stuff. :)

19.                 What are you reading now?
I’m between books. I just finished The Selection by Kiera Cass, which was cute. I have The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead, and Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready coming to me in the mail this week. :)

20.                 Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers?
I hope that readers can come to SWEET EVIL with mature, open minds, because it’s got a lot of stuff in it that can get under people’s skin if they try to read into my intentions. My intention was to write the love story on my heart, and to entertain—never to judge. Like most fiction, it’s just for fun. I hope you enjoy it! :)

21.                 What are you working on now?
I’m just about to finish up the big revision to the sequel, and then I really need to start the 3rd book!  Eeek!  *Bites nails* I pretty much know how it’s going to go, but I need to make an outline so the plot doesn’t get too convoluted.
That’s Great! Maybe Book two might be released sooner
*** Hopeful Sigh***

22.                 Any last words… Publishing or Otherwise?
I just want to thank you, Winnie, for having me, and to thank everyone who’s read SWEET EVIL and supported me with excited tweets and sweet emails!  I try to respond to everyone right away because it means so much to hear from you!  :) 
*Big hugs*

Thank you for taking the time to answer all our questions it was truly a pleasure …

Sherri is the author of several novels, and a short story, A Christmas Proposal. She lives in central Ohio with her husband and three cats. Her mother fostered her love for books at a young age by reading to her as a child. Stories have been floating around in her head for as long as she can remember; however, she didn’t start writing them down until four years ago. It has become a creative outlet that allows her to explore a wide range of emotions while having fun taking her characters through all the twists and turns she can create. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found helping her husband in his woodworking shop.

We are thrilled to have the wonderful Author, Sherri Hayes as our Guest today!!!

Ms. Hayes, thank you for being here with us… And thank you for answering our questions.
1.    Please tell us about yourself… is there a difference between the author, woman and wife?

Thank you for having me.

A little about me... I’m 35 years old, and I’ve been married to my husband for nine years. We live in central Ohio with our three cats, Oscar, Willow, and Darla. I started writing about five years ago out of frustration. I’d always continued stories in my head growing up. If you love a story or characters, who wants the story to end right? So, for me, it didn’t. I’d often lie in bed at night, close my eyes, and find out what happened next through my own imagination. It wasn’t until I was 30, I wrote anything down.

I wouldn’t say there is much of a difference between me as an author, woman, and wife. Creativity has always been a part of my life whether it was singing, acting, or writing. The only difference is that now, I’m sharing my imagination with a larger audience.

2.    Have you always wanted to become a writer?

No, not at all. Becoming a writer was the furthest thing from my mind. English was one of my worst subjects in school because I couldn’t spell. I still can’t. Thank goodness for spell check and editors!  It wasn’t until after I posted my first story online that I even considered trying to write a story and get it published. I received some great feedback on the story and encouragement. If not for taking a chance and putting some of my writing out there and getting feedback from readers, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

3.    How did you choose the genre you write in?  And why did you get interested in writing this particular genre?

I actually write romance in two different sub-genres: BDSM erotic romance and adult romantic suspense. I’ve always loved a good romantic suspense novel. The drama and the hint of danger are great motivators to push the hero and heroine together, or keep them apart.
I more or less stumbled into the BDSM erotic romance genre. A friend convinced me to read a BDSM story online, and I loved the trust and communication aspect of the relationship. When I got my next story idea, I decided to take the leap and do some research into the lifestyle. Whenever writing BDSM, it naturally falls into the erotic category due to the sub-genre itself. The fact that Slave has next to no sex in it is almost unheard of in a BDSM novel.

4.    Who designs your book covers?

My publisher has a graphics department that designs the covers. I will typically tell them what I’m looking for, or find a picture I like, and they put something together. It’s a collaborative effort to get the cover just right.

5.    Where do you get your writing ideas?

I get ideas from everywhere. It usually starts with something small, like a picture or a situation. Then, I start asking, what if? Slowly the ideas for a story start to form although I do very minimal plotting before I start writing. The entire time I’m writing a story, I’m getting new ideas, new twists and turns to add to the storyline.

6.    What is the most interesting thing you've done in the name of research?

That's probably when I had to call an insurance company to ask about life insurance policies. No one would answer my question. I'm sure they thought I was some crazy person trying to figure out a way to kill her husband and still get the insurance money.

(Howling… with laughter) LOL…Wait. What? LOL. That. WAS. FUNNY. Classic!

7.    Ms. Hayes, you have about 3 series out yes? Can you tell us about them?

I have two series. My first book, Hidden Threat is Independent, although I did write a short follow up story, A Christmas Proposal that was part of a Holiday Anthology called Season of Love.

Hidden Threat, my very first published novel, is a romantic suspense that center on forbidden love and corporate espionage. Cali Stanton returns home to run the family business only to find out someone is trying to sabotage her father's company. She and Matthew Andersen, head of security at Stanton Enterprises, must work together to find out who the mole is before someone gets hurt while fighting their growing attraction for each other.

As I mentioned, A Christmas Proposal, is a short story I wrote about Cali and Matthew's first Christmas Together.

Behind Closed Doors is the first book in my Daniel's Brother's Series. It also falls under the Adult Romantic Suspense Genre. Both Elizabeth and Chris have come from bad relationships and have trust issues. This story is about  life, love and starting over even when your past won't let you say goodbye. The series is centered on four brothers, and there will be a book for each one. Gage'd story, Chris's  youngest brother and a professional football player, is due out winter of 2013.

My Finding Anna Series is by far my most popular, and its listed as BDSM Erotica Romance. In the first book, SLAVE, we meet Stephan and Brianna. Stephan is an unattached Dominant. Brianna is a slave, although, not by choice. They meet under unusual circumstance- he buys her from her master. It's an unconventional love story, but it is a love story.

8.    How Many books are there going to be in the Finding Anna Series?

There are four books scheduled in the series. The second book, Need, is due to be released on July 26, 2012.

9.    How did you come up with an intriguing and thought-provoking storyline like Stephan and Brianna’s? Is their story based on some experience, random or otherwise, or purely imagination?

Mostly it is my imagination. The initial spark for the story came from a mixture of the Dominance and submission stories I'd been reading online and the Jaycee Dugard story I heard on the news. As with most of my other story ideas, I thought, what if I put the two together….

10. Why did you choose for your centered characters (Stephan and Brianna) to meet the way they did? A bit curious… yes! But absorbing.

I didn’t want the story to be based solely around sex. It’s just not how I write; it’s not what I like to read. For me, the thing that intrigues me most about BDSM is the level of trust and communication involved in those relationships. I wanted to show that in an unconventional way.

11. Society is based on certain standards, weren’t you worried that your storyline might stir up some heated discussion? I mean human trafficking and budding romance? I am truly amazed on how you have written a book that blurs the thin line between right and wrong…. in the most exciting way!!! Which we loved yet we’re curious. Comments?

I knew some would consider the story controversial, but I don't think that's a bad thing. If it gets people talking, gets them to think about human trafficking being more than just a third world problem, that's a good thing. I don't think the story would have had the same effect if I'd  made it more politically correct or setting it in a different venue.

True! Well Said. I like.

12. This question has been stuck on my mind and I’m trying to phrase it right. So, here it goes… Ian Peirce acquired Brianna supposedly from her father; the same way Stephan acquired Brianna from Ian. Logically, they both obtained Brianna almost the same way. So why does it seem like Ian is the monster and Stephan isn’t?  What are your thoughts on that? (Please don’t get me wrong, I love Stephan’s character, yet…)  Are readers blinded and swayed by his compassion?

Hopefully, they are. There are some big differences between Stephan and Ian, which I think becomes very apparent to readers. Stephan isn’t perfect. To Brianna he is, but in reality, he’s not. He makes mistakes, doesn’t do things exactly the right way, and he is sometimes lost in what to do next with her, especially in the first book, Slave. But he does care about her.

13. Can you think of another way Stephan could have acquired Brianna?

I think if Stephan had acquired Brianna by any other means, it would have been a much different story.

Such simplicity.Huh! Go figure...
14. If Stephan were here, what would he say if I’d asked him what compelled him to acquire Brianna from Ian the way he did, knowing it may ruin him or might get him into trouble?

He’d probably say something along the lines of “What else could I do? I couldn’t leave her there. Not like that.”

OH! Yeah, Stephan DID say that. Sighs

15. Does Anna love Stephan? Could she truly love him and not in a Stockholm way?

I don't view Anna as having Stockholm, I never have. As for the other… well you'll have to wait and see :)

Not Fair! Come on…don’t leave us hanging J

16. Will there be Happily-Ever-After for Stephan and Brianna?


17. When is the Audio version going to be released and who is the narrator?

It's being recorded right now, I don't have a date yet for its release. There are actually going to be two Narrators, one will read Stephan's part, and the other will be reading Brianna's.
18. Can you tell us about your upcoming book NEED?

Need is the continuation of Stephan and Brianna’s story. It picks up almost exactly where Slave left off. We get to see how Brianna struggles with her newfound freedom and what that means to her life now. We meet someone from Brianna’s past, and deal with more advice from Uncle Richard. I describe this series as a journey, because that’s exactly what it is. After what Brianna has been through, there are no quick fixes.

Yes, I have read NEED… thanks to your publishers and NetGalley for ARC. NEED, is completely my cup of tea. It was an entire journey For Brianna and Stephan and the reality was amazing I am speechless and in awe. Well-done!

19. What’s next for the Finding Anna series? Can you tell us any secrets about what to expect in the next installment?

All I can tell you for sure is that I’m currently writing book three, and I’m just as excited to see what happens next with Stephan and Brianna as you all are.

Whoop!!!! Yes!!!! (Beaming).

20. Any final words, Ms. Hayes?
Thanks for having me on your blog and allowing me to share my love of my stories with your followers. If anyone would like more information regarding my books, they can go to my blog,, or visit my publisher’s website

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions. We love your Finding Anna Series, and we are looking forward to reading more books from you.

About the Author
As the only girl on all guys’ hockey teams from age six through her college years, Coreene Callahan knows a thing or two about tough guys and loves to write about them. Call it kismet. Call it payback after years of locker room talk and ice rink antics, but whatever you call it, the action better be heart stopping, the magic electric, and the story wicked, good fun.
After graduating with honors in psychology and working as an interior designer, she finally succumbed to her overactive imagination and returned to her first love: writing. And when she’s not writing, she’s dreaming of magical worlds full of dragon-shifters, elite assassins, and romance that are too hot to handle. Callahan currently lives in Canada with her family and writing buddy, a fun-loving golden retriever.
Ms. Callahan Thank You for gracing us with your presence today. We are splendidly excited to have one of our favorite Authors with us, and we can’t wait for some tidbits about Fury of Seduction and your NEW up coming Series Circle of Seven! Okay…! Great! Lets get started.

1. Ms. Callahan, have you always wanted to become a writer and what inspired you to write your first book?

C.C.: Hi everyone! Thanks for having me here today. I’m really excited to have the opportunity to hang out with you!

All right, so here we go…first question:

Looking back now, I can see that I’ve always had a love of storytelling. I remember being six or seven years old when I first started telling stories to my siblings and friends. But honestly, that interest didn’t develop into writing until the beginning of high school. I remember writing some really bad poetry during that time (because yeah, what’s adolescence without an angst-filled poem or two?), but then I didn’t write much of anything until after I finished college.

So what started me writing again? In a word…kids. After working at a busy interior design firm, I found myself at home with a newborn. Now, here’s the thing you need to know about newborn babies…they sleep a lot (well, at least, my firstborn did) so I needed to fill the hours with something that fulfilled my creative drive and engaged my overactive imagination. I turned to writing and that’s how my first book got written.

2. Is Coreene Callahan your real or a pen name?
C.C.: Half and half. Coreene is my real name. Callahan is a throw back to my Scottish roots.

See? I knew it! Astounding….

3. How did you get interested in writing this particular genre?
C.C.: I didn’t choose my genre. It chose me. Many times when I start writing, I expect and plan for a story to go one way, but it heads in another direction and I scramble to keep up.
Although, I must say, I have always had a love of all things magical. Especially when they go bump in the night.

4. You have about two series out yeah? Could you Please tell us about your series?
C.C.:  I do have two series on the go. And I’m incredibly excited about both.
The Dragonfury Series, paranormal stories set in modern day Seattle, is about a secret race of half-dragon half-human warriors locked in a bitter feud with a rogue faction of their kind. The Razorbacks (the bad guys) are working towards the extinction of humanity while the Nightfurys (the good guys) are battling to not only protect us, but to ensure the future of Dragonkind.
The first two books in the series, FURY OF FIRE and FURY OF ICE, are available now while the third, FURY OF SEDUCTION, comes out on November 13th, 2012.
I am also writing a paranormal historical series called The Circle of Seven about elite assassins in 14th century Transylvania, and the magical order of high priestesses they protect. Dragons show up in this series too, so get ready for the fallout!

The first book in the series, KNIGHT AWAKENED, will be released on December 4th, 2012.

5. Ms. Callahan your Dragonfury Series is one of our many favorites. Fury of Seduction is set to be released in November… yes?   How does Fury of Seduction fit into this series?  I mean we didn’t see that coming…
How is it even possible…?
Was the Detective Dormant?
 Okay, isn’t Water Dragon supposed to be a myth…?
That. Was. Wicked by the way… okay…! (Breathe… Winnie breathe… Did I mention we’re super excited to be doing this interview?) Comment?
C.C.: Quite honestly, I didn’t see it coming either!
Detective Mac (the hero of Fury of Seduction) was never supposed to be, never mind end up as a major part of the series. In the first book, FURY OF FIRE, he was a secondary character, basically a fill-in as Detective Angela Keen’s partner. I knew Angela was the heroine of the second book, FURY OF ICE, from the very beginning, but I never saw Mac coming.  So, it was a huge surprise to discover that he was a Dragonkind male whose magic had been dormant all his life. But when he comes face-to-scales with a Razorback in the course of an investigation, the magic in his blood is triggered, which propels him into his “first shift”—not at all a pleasant experience for him!

Anyway, you’ll learn all about him, and the problems he experiences as a water dragon (something the Nightfurys didn’t think existed), while he learns to control his magic and the incredible strength he possesses in FURY OF SEDUCTION.

Wait? That’s it? No more? Come on...!

6. I have to say this, you debuted in February, and you’ve already written 3 books, and in a span of 8 months too! And you have a new Series planned and its set to be released this fourth quarter! Are you one of the Greek muses? What’s your Secret? And how come you don’t make us, your readers, wait for a year before blessing us with a sequel and a third book and so on? NOT. THAT.  I am complaining! I love it! Still… curious…!
C.C.: I’m what most writers consider prolific. Not because I want to be, but because I’m a little obsessive when it comes to storytelling. When I start writing a new book I become so immersed in the story and involved with the characters I don’t stop writing until the book is finished.
There are a couple of hard and fast rules I live by. When I’m writing, I write every day, weekends included. I have a minimum word count that I must hit before I pack it in each day. I do, however, take time off between books. I like at least a month to rest, relax and do other things that interest me. For me, it’s vital to refill the creative well and allow the next idea to bubble on the back of my brain before I begin work on the next story.  

7. What kinds of research did you do for your Series?
C.C.: I did a lot of research in terms of setting. Geography is always a huge consideration for me while building a new paranormal world. Part of understanding my characters is to know where they choose to live. It tells me a lot about their likes, dislikes, wants and needs.

8. Rumor has it that you have signed a contract for three more books for the Dragonfury Series. Yay!  Okay we stalked your site, err… okay we ‘re stalker fans… is that true?
C.C.: Yes! I have signed another contract for books 4, 5 and 6 in the Dragonfury Series. Wicked exciting! I can’t wait to share the next three stories in the series with you.

That’s great! CongratsJ

9. Whose books should we expect and are we going to be meeting the remaining Dragonfury Clan mentioned in the previous books?
C.C.:  The Nightfurys live as a pack, so the warriors spend a lot of time together, out battling the Razorbacks, milling around Black Diamond (their lair) etc. Which is excellent fun for me, because I get to check in with all of the guys and see where they’re at in each book.
For example, Forge and Venom play big roles in FURY OF SEDUCTION, and those guys are always fun to write. Two of the warriors (Gage and Haider, whom you’ve heard mentioned, but haven’t seen yet) will be introduced in book 3 as well.
Just as a sneak peek, though, I can tell you Book 4 in the series, FURY OF DESIRE is Wick’s story.

 AHHHHH!!! More please! J

10. I love Forge, the Scottish, Sexy, Smothering, Sizzling god, is he going to get his own book? Are we going to be seeing more of him?
C.C.: Forge will absolutely get his own book. I’m just not sure when that will be. He’s heartbroken after the loss of his female and that much hurt and self-recrimination will take some time to heal.

11. From all your characters, who is your favorite couple and why?
C.C.: I’m not sure I have a favorite couple. I like them all for different reasons. But I think like many writers, I always love the last book best. Mac and Tania (Fury of Seduction) make a REALLY hot couple. They kept me guessing every step of the way!

12. What is the hardest part of writing for you?
C.C.: Taking breaks in between books. Even knowing I need to recharge the creative battery every once in a while doesn’t help me break away. I always find it hard to let go and indulge in a more relaxed, less frenetic routine for the first week or two. 
Also, when I haven’t written for a month or more, I always feel as though I’ve forgotten how to write when I start the next story! It’s a bit crazy, but everything feels unfamiliar—a bit rusty—after I’ve taken a vacation from storytelling.

13. What’s the best thing about being an author?
C.C.:  Oh, so many things! Getting to make stuff up for a living. Wearing PJs to work and not having to go to an office, other than my own. Being able to hang out with my writing buddy, Winston (my golden retriever) every single day.

14. Coreene, As much as I love your Dragonfury Series, could you elaborate more on your Circle of Seven Series: Knight Awakened, Knight Avenged and Knight Unleashed?
What should we expect? Timeline? Century? … Anything? Quotes? Line? Sneak peak?
C.C.:  Not many know this, but I actually wrote KNIGHT AWAKENED (A Circle of Seven novel, book 1) before FURY OF FIRE, the first book in the Dragonfury Series. The idea for the Nightfury dragon-warriors came to me because dragons showed up in the middle of Knight Awakened (which I wasn’t expecting!).

You heard it hear first! J

As a life long lover of dragons, I was so intrigued that I began asking all sorts of questions about their species. The more I explored, the more I learned until the premise behind the Dragonfury novels took shape and form.

But I digress...

The Circle of Seven Novels are hard-hitting stories about a group of elite assassins and their defection from the larger organization. Marked for death by the leader of their old order, they are not only fighting to survive, but to find new purpose in the world.

Here is a taste of what KNIGHT AWAKENED is about:

In AD 1331, warlord Vladimir Barbu seizes control of Transylvania. But in spite of his bloody triumph, his claim to the throne remains out of reach. The king of Hungary opposes his rule, the Transylvanian people despise his brutal ways, and the high priestess needed to crown him has vanished without a trace. But Barbu hasn’t come this far only to be thwarted by a woman. He unleashes his best hunters to track her down and bring her to him—dead or alive.
For Xavian Ramir, killing is the only life he has ever known. Torn from his family when he was a child, he was trained from an early age to be an elite assassin. But now he longs for something more, vowing to start anew after one last job. The bounty on his target’s head is enough to set him up for good—if he can resist the long-dead conscience that stirs to life when he meets his beautiful mark.
Afina Lazar never wanted to become high priestess, but the brutal murders of her beloved mother and sister leave her no choice. Now she is running for her life, desperate to protect the magical amulet entrusted to her care. But when Barbu’s assassin comes for her, she realizes her only chance of stopping the warlord’s rise to power is to convince this enigmatic—and handsome—hunter that she is more valuable alive than dead.
Dramatic and fast-paced, Knight Awakened is a stirring love story between two people searching for a second chance in a magical world of assassins, warlords, unearthly beasts, and nonstop adventure.

Ahh!!! We know this part… J you are tough! Keep us hyped, while don’t you! BUT Thanks for the ARC Of KINGHT AWAKENED, I LOVED IT!

15. Coreene, I was twitting an Author the other day and I might have mentioned something along the line of… “Cliffhangers should be illegal and I will be calling my congressman!”… Any thoughts on that? What do you think about cliffhanger?
Love them or Hate them comment?
C.C.: I LOVE cliffhangers! A good cliffhanger leaves me tittering on the edge, imagining what will happen next. Anything that engages my imagination to that degree is pretty awesome in my opinion, and if an author does it well—can keep me wondering about the possibilities? Oh baby, I will always come back for more.

You would!  Wouldn’t you? Authors group together. Not fair! J Sighs…

16. What are you working on now…?
C.C.: I’m currently in the planning stages of book 4, FURY OF DESIRE, in the Dragonfury Series. In a week or so, I will begin writing Wick’s story. And I can’t wait to see what happens when Wick is unleashed!

17. Any last words… Publishing or Otherwise?
C.C.: Thanks so much for inviting me to visit today! I had a blast answering all your questions and delving deeper in the Dragonfury world!

If you have a chance, please visit me on Facebook Or at I’m always happy to hear from you!
Thank you Coreene for this wonderful opportunity and thank you for your time!

About this author
Jennifer lives at the base of a very tall mountain in Northern Utah with her husband, three children, and a naughty puppy. She loves the smell of rainy days, hot chocolate, and old books, preferably all at once. She is a former speech teacher, theater director, and enjoyed a brief but disastrous career as a door-to-door pollster. In her spare time, Jennifer tends to panic, wondering what she has forgotten to do that has allowed her any spare time.
We’re super thrilled to have a chance to chat with Jennifer Nielsen, Author of The Ascendance Trilogy, The False Prince. Ms. Nielsen, Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and most importantly, thank you for being here at Dawn and Winnie Book Reviews. We can’t truly express our gratitude because words seem to pale in comparison to how ecstatic this opportunity truly is for us.

1.   Is Jennifer Nielsen your Real Name or is it your Pen Name?
My real name. It’s the only way to prove to my mom that I do have an actual career.

2.   Have you always wanted to become a writer?
I tossed around a lot of potential jobs when I was younger: teacher, detective, astronomer, actress, and whatever else was my career fad of the day. I always made up stories and considered writing a great hobby. But while growing up, I never knew any authors and never really even saw authors as actual people – they were just names on the covers of my books. It took a long time before I understood that was an actual career choice. Once I made the decision to pursue a career as an author, I never looked back!

3.   What’s the best thing about being an author?
Sheesh, where to start? I can write while still in my pj’s. I can read great books and call it research. But best of all is when I hear from a reader who loved one of my books – it’s an incredible honor when someone takes the trouble to contact me. Also, I think those associated with the book industry tend to be top of the line. I’m met some amazing people through my writing.

4.   The fantasy genre; did you choose it or did it choose you?
I started writing in women’s suspense, where I was a solid meh writer. One day I noticed a fan fiction challenge to write the final Harry Potter book. I was a big fan, and had been writing mysteries, so the challenge of closing all the loops in the series appealed to me. I took the challenge and immersed myself in writing for two solid weeks. It was the most fun I ever had in writing. In those two weeks I decided fantasy was the genre for me. I definitely chose it!
-That’s Amazing; we are fans of Harry Potter too!  I wonder what you wrote… huh!

5.   Ms. Nielsen, your targeted audiences are Young Adult… Why YA?
That’s pretty much where my emotional maturity topped out.

6.   How would you describe “The False Prince”? And what inspired you to write The False Prince?
I love the description of The False Prince as “a Game of Thrones for kids.” The False Prince tells the story of a clever and defiant orphan named Sage who becomes caught up in a twisted contest where he must both commit treason and impersonate a long lost prince, or else he will be killed.

I’d had the idea for the story for some time, but one day I heard a song called “Guaranteed,” written by Eddie Vedder. There was a line in the song that said, “I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me, guaranteed.” And from that line came Sage, who is thrown into a situation where he knows exactly what the game is, and how it must be played if he has any hope of surviving.
-“A Game of Thrones for kids.” I like that. I hope there is a happy ending…

7.   Was the book different from what you expected?
Most of the book came out exactly as I intended it when I started writing. Sage is a wicked fun character to write and Conner is simply wicked. There were a few surprises with the supporting players – Mott and Roden, for example – where it was really fun to see how they evolved as characters in ways I had not anticipated.

8.   If False Prince were made into movie, whom do you see as the cast members?
Ooh, this is always a fun question, right? I would love to see a movie made for this story, and the rights have been optioned. Whether it moves past that stage is up to the movie gods to decide, but I am crossing my fingers, just in case that helps.

The hardest actor to cast would be Sage, obviously. Because he’s got to have that balance of defiance, intelligence, heroism, and playfulness. Too far in any direction and he wouldn’t be as likeable. I’d love to see a young Emile Hirsch play that part. Charlie Rowe has a lot of talent – he would probably be great in that role.
-Agree, Agree and cute…

Bradley Cooper would be a brilliant Conner, or Russell Crowe. I could see Hailee Steinfeld playing Imogen and Anna Sophia Robb as a wonderful Amarinda. And maybe someone like Garrett Backstrom for Roden and Graham Phillips for Tobias.

That said, if a movie is made, I’m sure I will love their casting choices just as much!

9.   You were in Sage’s head all along or maybe it was the other way around, however, please tell us about him, was Sage a predictable character?
Sage definitely got into my head, and he was there all the time, especially when I was thinking about the plot. With the plotting, I felt he was pushing the story along just in the way he wanted it. (Warning: crazy author confession coming) There were a few times when he would push for the story to move in a specific direction, but I wouldn’t want to do that because I knew how badly it would end for him. Readers of the book can probably guess at exactly which scenes I’m referring to. But I wrote it the way Sage’s voice pushed it, and the book is better for it.

10.                 When naming your characters, do you give any thought to the actual meaning? Why the Name Sage?
The only name that really mattered to me for meaning was Conner’s, not by definition, but because he is a conman, and I liked the similarity in sound. For Sage’s name, I liked that it was earthy, simple, and to me, not a “tame” name.
-Conner, Conman… I love it… that was brilliant!

11.                 How do you think the main character, Sage change during the entire novel?
Hmm, this is tricky, because it’s really not about Sage changing as much as it is the readers changing their opinion of Sage. I think by the end of the story, readers understand him in a more complete way than they do at the beginning.

That said, I do think as Sage comes closer to the end of the story, he begins to feel the weight of what he’s undertaking. He can’t laugh off his situation as easily as he might have when we first meet him.
-True… I thought he grew, and he portrayed the King he was meant to be…. In the end…

12.                 We are curious about the two ladies in Sage’s Life, one by choice and the other by inheritance…. Ms. Nielsen, do you see any possible romance forming anywhere in the future of the series? Love triangles… comment?
I love the description, of choice vs. inheritance – that’s brilliant! And a possible romance in the future? Wouldn’t that make things interesting? Hmm….
-Wait! What? That’s not an answer!!!

13.                 Would you tell us a little about Imogen (the mute servant) she is an enigma and how does she fit into things?
She is a bit of an enigma, yes, which I think has been a survival technique for her while one of Conner’s servants. But things change for her at the end of Book 1, and her story definitely isn’t finished.
-I’m intrigued and excited to read about her story…

14.                 Ms. Nielsen, would you say Authors are major influence in our society today? How so?  Also when certain storylines portrays something populaces may frown upon or don’t support, how should differences in opinion be dealt with? Comment?
Studies have shown that readers who identify with a certain character often take on traits belonging to that character. Additionally, young readers who love a character will often read themselves into that story – vicariously participating in that character’s adventures in an emotionally active way. I’ve received a few letters from readers who tell me they see themselves as being very much like Sage, and I think that’s a great thing. People want heroes, and if they can see themselves as more heroic as they read, then that’s fantastic.

I have no problems with a book that offers an unpopular storyline. I don’t think anyone should be forced to read or buy something if they object to the content, just as I don’t believe in book banning. But the right to express unpopular ideas is central to our freedom. We are a stronger society when we allow the free and open discussion of ideas.
-Well said…

15.                 Is there a message in your novels that you want your readers to seize? If so, what is it?
The False Prince isn’t a message story. If people find ideas within it that are meaningful in their lives, then I think that’s wonderful. But if there is a message within the text, it’s that I love chocolate and Mountain Dew. It never says that in the book, but odds are that’s what I was thinking while I was writing.

Thank you so much for your time. We just have a couple more questions…

16.                 Can you give us a sneak peak or can you tell us anything about the highly anticipated sequel?

Book 2 is called THE RUNAWAY KING and will be released in April 2013. The most I can tell you is that for Sage, things are about to get much, much worse.
-I don’t like the sound of that….

17.                 Are there going to be ARC’s?
Yes, I believe ARCs will be printed, though I don’t know how readily they’ll be available. I strongly suggest anyone interested in obtaining an ARC from Scholastic should start sending the publicity team boxes of bribe chocolate. It might not work, but publicity will love it!

18.                 From whose point of view would the story be told?
I briefly flirted with the idea of narrating Book 2 from the point of view of a magical spider that can communicate with humans. Then I thought, nah, that’s not a good idea, because if Sage saw the spider he’d probably step on it. And then readers would never know how the story ends. So I had to use a different perspective.

19.                 There was a hint of a brewing war; will any of our characters survive it?
If war comes, it might be a good idea for me to introduce a puppy as a character, because readers will know I could never kill off a puppy. So let me say that if there is a war and if Sage gets a puppy, then he’ll be just fine. The puppy, that is. No guarantees about Sage.
-That is not an answer! OH MY GOD… invasive much? LOL!!!

20.                 Is The RUNAWAY KING going to be on Audio too?
Yep! It should be released next April, at the same time as the book.

21.                 Here is a list…  you HAVE to pick one each! No longer than 5 seconds… so think fast,- Ready- Set- Go!!!
Mute Servant or Princess

Horse Carriages or Cars
Depends on the car. Are we talking a Yugo or a Ferrari?

Swords or Guns
Swords. It’s really hard to stab someone with a gun.

Cooked Meals or Microwave Meals
Cooked meals. Preferably with someone other than me as the cook.

Lord Conner or Lord Santhias Veldergreth
Evil and eviler.

22.                 What are you working on now?
Book 3 of this series. Mayhem Abounds. And plenty of danger. For example, I just got a paper cut during edits of Page 83.

23.                 Any final words publishing or otherwise?
Thank you for having me here. As a final word, I would just like to say that in my humble opinion, the greatest invention of all time might possibly be chocolate covered cinnamon bears. Our culture owes a great deal to their existence.
- Thanks so much for chatting with us Ms. Nielsen.

We just interviewed Jennifer A. Nielsen, Author of The False Prince Book one of The Ascendance Trilogy out in stores now. And we can’t wait until Spring 2013 for the Highly Anticipated Sequel The Runaway King Published by Scholastic.

Amber Garr is the author of the Syrenka Series.
She spends her days conducting scientific experiments and wondering if her next-door neighbor is secretly a vampire.  Born in Pennsylvania, she lives in Florida with her husband and their furry kids.  Her childhood imaginary friend was a witch, Halloween is sacred, and she is certain that she has a supernatural sense of smell.  She writes both adult and young adult urban fantasies and when not obsessing over the unknown, she can be found dancing, reading, or enjoying a good movie.

Ms. Garr, First of all thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to drop by and spend some time with us!!!! Yaa!!!
Speaking of busy schedule… Can you share what projects you are working on now?

Thank you so much for having me!! Since writing fiction is technically my second job, I spend most of my time working on my first career as a research marine biologist. Since the projects I work on are always changing, my work schedule can be somewhat demanding. In terms of writing, right now I've been really busy with the promotion of The Syrenka Series via blog tours and such, but I've also been working on three other books in various stages of completeness. The stories just won't stop coming!

Ooooh Can't wait to see what these secret projects will reveal. And now that we are on the topic of secrets, can you tell us 3 things about yourself that we can't find out on the Internet, in your bio, etc.?

1) I hate to fly
2) We had a pet goat when I was young, and
3) Ants give me the heebie-jeebies (but I won't kill them - except the fire ants...they hurt).

A pet goat? Ok… I'm not going there. LOL.    For those who have not had the pleasure of reading the Syrenka Series can you please explain to everyone what this intriguing, emotional, addictive series is about?

Thank you for saying that! The Syrenka Series focuses on a hidden society of mermaids, selkies, and water sprites. At the center of the story is Eviana, a teenage mermaid being forced into clan politics and responsibilities before she’s had much of a chance to grow up. There’s an arranged marriage, an opportunity for her to run away, and a battle to protect humans that she must deal with. Throughout the series you will see her mature, accept some of her responsibilities, and become the leader her parent’s always envisioned. Of course there is also a little bit of a love triangle (square?) that resolves itself by the end of Arise.

So you’re a marine biologist? Have you ever seen a mermaid? Be honest.

No, but believe me, I've looked! And when I'm under the water, in awe of what I see, I often wish I could stay down there forever. When I was younger I told people that I wanted to create gills for humans as part of my doctoral studies. I didn't do that, but I'm still interested. :) I've also had numerous dreams where I drown but then begin to breathe underwater...hmmm...wonder what that means?

What music would be on Evianna’s iPod?

Ooh, good question. I think Eviana would be a fan of the ladies: Regina Spector, Tori Amos, Adele, Florence and The some influences from Brendan like Civil Twilight and maybe even some Nirvana or Pearl Jam to satisfy his Seattle grunge roots.

Time for a biased question... Out of all the characters in your series one of my favorite characters was Graham. (What can I say; I always fall for the bad boy) Where did you get the inspiration for this character?

So, I haven't been single in a decade (wow), but it always seemed that as soon as one guy looked promising, suddenly there were a few more coming out of the woodwork as potential boyfriends. I thought that Eviana needed to experience someone different to realize what she really had waiting for her back home. There is a reason she is so instantly attracted to Graham (and not necessarily because of his looks and personality). This series is about making choices, and choosing who you want to share your life with is one of the biggest decisions a girl will ever make. Graham's character is a combination of a lot of things: maybe a little bit of Adrian from VA thrown in with a little bit of the bad-boy persona every girl wants to experience at least once. Graham is also struggling in his own way, and it almost makes him and Eviana kindred spirits with some of the pressures they share.

After Abhain which one of your characters are you most relatable with?

I think it would be Eviana. I know that she's young and has a lot of maturing to do, but I can relate to the pressure of wanting to succeed and do it in a way that will benefit all. I remember feeling torn between people and life choices when I was her age, and I suppose some of those experiences made their way into the series!

 What’s next for Amber Garr? What do you have planned in the upcoming months?

I'm currently making final (hopefully) edits on Touching Evil, a book I completed before The Syrenka Series. I also hope to get some more writing done on a new YA paranormal I started a couple of weeks ago. Oh...and marketing, marketing,'s exhausting! :)

 “Hmmm... Touching Evil... sounds like a devilish book.... Moving on, Who” or “What” is your Muse?

Music is really probably my best muse in terms of taking my mind off everything else around me. I also have my Bitsy Cat that loves to lay next to me every time I write, and I joke that she's the new muse in my life.

Cool. With our blog we have a tradition with every interview. Here is a list… you HAVE to pick one each! No longer than 10 seconds… so think fast, - Ready- Set- Go!!!

Mermaid or Selkie -

Graham or Lucien
Brendan or Kain

Abhain or Marisol

Love it...(especially the one where you answered Graham)  LOL
Ms. Garr, Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us. We certainly hope you’ll come back and visit soon!

Absolutely and thank you for having me! Good luck with the giveaway!

To learn more about Amber Garr her books, non-fiction publications, and more, you can visit
You can follow her at her blog for the most recent happenings as she sets out to tackle the publishing world one novel at a time!

 Dianne Duvall is the award-winning author of the Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series. Her debut novel Darkness Dawns has been nominated for the RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance 2011 by RT Book Reviews, for Best Paranormal Romance - Vampire 2011 by The Romance Reviews, for Best Debut Book 2011 - Romance by The Romance Reviews, and for Best Book of the Year 2011 by Long and Short Reviews. Night Reigns, the second book in her Immortal Guardians series, has been declared an “utterly addictive” Top Pick by RT Book Reviews and has been nominated for Best Paranormal Romance 2011 by The Romance Reviews. It has been described as “intense, passionate and engrossing” by The Romance Reviews and as “a clever, unique, and brilliantly executed book” by Long and Short Reviews. Phantom Shadows, the third book in the series will be released in October 2012.

We’re thrilled to welcome paranormal romance author, Dianne Duvall, to Dawn and Winnie Book Reviews today. Ms. Duvall. Congratulations on the release of the third book in your incredible Immortal Guardians series, Phantom Shadows!

Thank you!  And thank you for letting me visit Dawn and Winnie Book Reviews.  I’m very happy to be here!

Ms. Duvall, Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? What do you do when you are not writing? Do you have a day job as well?
When I’m not writing, I work in the local independent film industry.  I do everything from serving as casting coordinator and script editor in Pre-Production to providing special effects and special effects make-up in Production to editing HD films and cutting trailers in Post-Production.  The hours can be crazy, but – like writing – I enjoy it and it provides me with another creative outlet.  AND I can write and edit manuscripts on the set.
Pretty cool…

How did you choose the genre you write in?
I’ve loved paranormal romance ever since I read my first vampire romance.  And, while I do like other genres, paranormal remains my favorite.  Anything is possible in paranormal.  There really are no boundaries.  That’s very appealing to me, both as a writer and as a reader.

Please tell us about your Immortal Guardian Series and how Phantom Shadows fits into things
With my Immortal Guardians series, I decided to approach the vampire romance genre from a new direction.  Vampires in my series aren’t the heroes.  They also aren’t undead.  Rather they are infected with a rare virus that conquers, then replaces their immune system and lends them incredible strength, speed, and healing capabilities, coupled with a need for blood.  It also causes brain damage in humans who have been infected, causing them to swiftly descend into madness.  So even good guys who are infected with it will inevitably become monsters.

Immortals are infected with the same virus.  But they were something more than human before their transformation.  Though they don’t know the source of it, each was born with incredibly advanced DNA that bestows upon them special paranormal abilities (telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, etc.) and mutates the virus so they aren’t afflicted by the madness it causes in vampires.  

Vampires have traditionally been Immortal Guardians’ most dangerous foes.  That changes rather dramatically, however, in Phantom Shadows, and may forever alter the way immortals interact with vampires.

Bastian was the villain in the first two books … Er… kinda, why the change?
When I wrote Darkness Dawns, the first book in the series, I was interested in creating a villain that readers would not be able to hate . . . and ended up not being able to hate him myself.  In fact, I liked him so much; I thought he just might be redeemable.  When readers expressed the same sentiment, I thought it might be fun to raise a voice in Bastien’s defense (while everyone else clamored for his execution) – that of Dr. Melanie Lipton.  I wanted to see if Melanie could heal some of Bastien’s scars and tear down the protective barriers he has spent the last two hundred years constructing.  J

If Bastian were here what would he say about being an Immortal Guardian?
That he still doesn’t feel like one and is about as enamored of his immortal colleagues as they are of him.  His transition into their ranks isn’t going very smoothly.  Fortunately, Melanie is willing to help him with that . . . whether he wants her to or not.  J

How many books are planned in these series?
Right now I intend for there to be at least seven books, likely more, plus at least one novella.

How did you come up with your Ideas for this series?
I had two desires for the series.  I liked the idea of returning vampires to their villainous roots.  When vampires first hit the fiction scene over a century ago, they were the bad guys.  I wanted them to be bad again, but involuntarily so.  I didn’t want their evil to be a conscious choice.  I also wanted them to be alive, rather than the traditional undead.  Since I knew some historians believe vampire folklore arose from the misunderstanding of certain illnesses, I decided a virus that gives them all of the usual characteristics of a vampire (speed, strength, etc.) and drives them insane would be the perfect answer.  Once that was settled, everything else just fell into place.

Seth… What is he? Can you tell us?
Not yet.  I’m keeping that secret a little longer.
Oh! Come on!!!.... Really? Will chocolate work?

Will you have a new book coming out soon? Whose book is next?
I just finished an Immortal Guardians novella for the Predatory anthology that will be released in May 2013.  It features Richart as hero.  I’m also currently working on Book 4 in the series, which will feature Richart’s twin, Étienne, and is scheduled for release in September 2013.
Okay… you heard it. Spread the word…

Ms Duvall, when did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I actually wrote my first romance when I was around thirteen years old.  But I didn’t realize I wanted to pursue romance writing as a career until I went to college.  I began as journalism major, then changed to English and began studying creative writing when I decided nonfiction was too restrictive.

You’ve written three books, which is your favorite? And who is your favorite character and why?
I like all three books equally, although each book was a favorite while I was writing it because I was so close to the characters.  I can’t narrow my favorite characters down to just one either.  J
Figures… :’D

What do you think makes a good story?
Likeable, relatable characters and an entertaining plot.  Both, I believe, are equally important. 

If you had to go back and do it all over, is there any aspect of your novel or getting it published that you would change?
Nothing comes to mind.

Ms. Duvall, Have you ever written anything about your own bad Habits? (Smiling).
I DID give Sarah and Ami, the heroines of the first two books in the series, warrior-sized appetites, which I myself possess.  As Sarah says in Darkness Dawns, “I can put away a lot of food.”

LOL!!! Food, that’s not bad! Funny yes… “ Warrior sized appetites… classic.

Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans?
Thank you so much for all of your support and for the wonderful comments and emails.  I’m so thrilled that you’re enjoying the series and hope you will continue to have fun with my immortals!

What are you working on now publishing or otherwise?
Aside from the novella and Book 4, I recently finished a film project of my own – the trailers for Phantom Shadows.  Here is the first of the three:
 Sweet! That’s great, thank you!

That was wicked! I liked it.

Thank you for taking the time to answer all our questions Ms. Duvall, you rock!

Thank you again for letting me visit and for helping me celebrate the release of PHANTOM SHADOWS!

We just finished an interview with Paranormal Romance Author, Dianne Duvall, author of Immortal Guardian Series. Duvall’s Third book in the series Phantom Shadows is out in store now. Don’t Miss it!!!          


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