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Saturday, February 11

The Clann Series By Melissa Darnell

Crave (The Clann #1)By Melissa DarnellSavannah Colbert has never known why she's so hated by the kids of the Clann. Nor can she deny her instinct to get close to Clann golden boy Tristan Coleman. Especially when she recovers from a strange illness and the attraction becomes nearly irresistible. It's as if he's a magnet, pulling her gaze, her thoughts, even her dreams. Her family has warned her to have nothing to do with him, or any members of the Clann. But when Tristan is suddenly everywhere she goes, Savannah fears she's destined to fail.For years, Tristan has been forbidden to even speak to Savannah Colbert. Then Savannah disappears from school for a week and comes back…different, and suddenly he can't stay away. Boys seem intoxicated just from looking at her. His own family becomes stricter than ever. And Tristan has to fight his own urge to protect her, to be near her no matter the consequences….
The first thing that got my attention is the author’s playlist and I loved the Cover. I think it’s unique, so I decided to give Crave by Melissa Darnell a try. Crave is told from Two POV’s- Savannah and Tristan.  Savannah has lived in the same town all her life she’d had friends until the 4th grade when unexpectedly, after a fake wedding between Savannah and Tristan, she was told to stop being friends with the only boy that makes her burn. Ever since the fake wedding in the fourth grade, Tristan has always loved and wanted Sav, yet his family has declared he stay away from Savannah. After seven years apart, FATE decided its time. What now? They are drawn to each other, it feels right, but the guilt of disappointing their kin… makes them afraid to indulge in their feelings that had never rescinded, even after seven year.
Crave is a tempting blend of forbidden love, magic, treachery, and heartache, this romance novel will leave you wanting more. Darnell's well-told love story mixed with a wealthy vampire and witch folklore created on well-known myths and Legend makes this book a mesmerizing paranormal romance. Melissa Darnell’s writing is captivating and curiosity kept me turning pages. I like the world she’d created for the Sups, Vamps and witches with a bit of dark humor mixed in.
Book Rating:



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