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Friday, February 10

Immortal Guardians By Dianne Duvall

Darkness Dawns (Immortal Guardians #1)By Dianne DuvallIn this dazzling, sensual novel, Dianne Duvall beckons readers into a world of vampires, immortals, and humans with extraordinary gifts…where passion can last forever, if you’re willing to pay the price…
Once, Sarah Bingham’s biggest challenge was making her students pay attention in class. Now, after rescuing a wounded stranger, she’s landed in the middle of a battle between corrupt vampires and powerful immortals who also need blood to survive. Roland Warbrook is the most compelling man Sarah has ever laid hands on. But his desire for her is mingled with a hunger he can barely control…
In his nine centuries of immortal existence, no woman has tempted Roland as much as Sarah. But asking her to love him is impossible—when it means forfeiting the world she’s always known, and the life he would do anything to protect…
For a debut book this series rocks and I was hooked from the very first chapter. A lot of romance, suspense, humor mixed with eroticism and action. DARKNESS DAWNS is intensely romantic, boldly sensual, with mysterious a paranormal quality that makes it practically impossible to put down.
Roland, an Immortal guardian, who is supposed   to be anti-social and paranoid, yet drool inducing! - "Meets" a youthful music teacher, Sarah, a tough, self-reliant and private woman whom he can’t get out of his head.  After their accidental meeting, by Sarah saving Roland’s err… erm butt! Roland finds himself wanting to protect Sarah from the danger he feels he brought upon her. Only he, Roland has peculiar corks that Sarah can’t ignore.  What’ now? How would they help each other and most importantly are they ready? Dianne Duvall is a very promising writer, and I am most confident in saying she would become one of the favorite author in the genre. Her writing seem effortless, funny yet keeps you curious. I like that this book can also be read as a stand alone novel, and the ending leaves you wanting more. Darkness Dawns was so interesting that I started on Night Reigns Immediately. 
Book Rating:

Sensuality Rating:

 Night Reigns (Immortal Guardians #2)By Dianne DuvallAmi isn't much for trusting strangers. She has a hard time trusting anyone. But she's no coward, and she's no pushover in the protection department either. So when she comes across a mysterious warrior taking on eight deranged vampires on his own, she doesn't hesitate to save his bacon. Of course, that was before she realized what one little rescue would get her into . . .
Marcus Grayden has been an immortal protector of humanity for eight hundred years, and at the moment he's not interested in backup. From the moment Ami arrives in his life, he can't deny that she's strong, smart, and extremely skilled at watching his back. But she's also destroying his protective solitude and stirring desires he can't bear to awaken. After all, whatever her secrets — how can she defeat death itself? 


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