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Blood- Kissed Sky
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Days of Blood & Starlight
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A Circle of Seven Series
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Wednesday, July 20

Wolfsbane (Nightshade # 2)By Andrea Cremer

Wolfsbane  (Nightshade #2)                                             When Calla Tor wakes up in the lair of the Searchers, her sworn enemies, she’s certain her days are numbered. But then the Searchers make her an offer—one that gives her the chance to destroy her former masters and save the pack—and the man—she left behind. Is Ren worth the price of her freedom? And will Shay stand by her side no matter what? Now in control of her own destiny, Calla must decide which battles are worth fighting and how many trials true love can endure and still survive. 

In this second trilogy, Wolfsbane takes Calla into a different path. She gets to choose her destiny, but at what cost? Wolfbane begins right at the very end of nightshade. Calla wakes up from her coma, finding herself in Searchers territory. She is safe; shay is also safe, but her pack and Ren, isn't safe! she loathes thinking what’s happening in recompense for her traitorous deception! Guilt ridden, Callas is desperate to find her way back to “Vail”, to save her friends, family, pack members… Ren, but the Searchers has other agenda… An alliance! They need Calla and her pack as allies in their war against the Keepers. I love the intensity of this book. It was humorous, thrilling, sexy and action packed! Secret were relived, new strong alliances was boldly formed. Histories were reenacted and precious lives were lost, but all in all it was an amazing read!!! I loved it.  The cliffhanger was heartbreaking but expected!!! Creamer knows how to keep her fans panting for more!!! And I must say, it will be a long wait until Bloodrose - to be release in 2012. 
Book Rating:


Eesti said...

The love she feels for him is differenet and she gives into him when she couldn't with the other alpha male. She is a strong young woman who has to make right choices to save herself and her pack. I can't wait to get the 3rd book ! I would recommend this book to any one.

Dawn & Winnie Book Reviews said...

Yeah... I get the love, and I understand the attachment to Ren... And book 3 is awesome. But I haven't had the heart to review book 3 because it was a different ending than what I am used too.

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