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Friday, January 21
Wicked Lovely Series by Melissa Marr
5:18 PM | Posted by
Dawn & Winnie Book Reviews
Author: Melissa Marr
Series: Wicked Lovely # 1
Publisher: Harper Teen
Hardcover: 328
Publication Date: June 12th 2007
Rule #3: Don't stare at invisible faeries. Aislinn has always seen faeries. Powerful and dangerous, they walk hidden in mortal world. Aislinn fears their cruelty—especially if they learn of her Sight—and wishes she were as blind to their presence as other teens.Rule #2: Don't speak to invisible faeries. Now faeries are stalking her. One of them, Keenan, who is equal parts terrifying and alluring, is trying to talk to her, asking questions Aislinn is afraid to answer.Rule #1: Don't ever attract their attention. But it's too late. Keenan is the Summer King who has sought his queen for nine centuries. Without her, summer itself will perish. He is determined that Aislinn will become the Summer Queen at any cost—regardless of her plans or desires. Suddenly none of the rules that have kept Aislinn safe are working anymore, and everything is on the line: her freedom; her best friend, Seth; her life; everything. Faerie intrigue, mortal love, and the clash of ancient rules and modern expectations swirl together in Melissa Marr's stunning 21 st century faery tale.
Melissa Marr has captured me in a world of Fae that is so addictive. I
was hooked from the first chapter. Never schlepping. Melissa brings a true
faery story in today's urban times. In the first Darkest Lovely series we
follow Aislinn a sweet girl who carries a dark secret-- she has the sight.
Apart from her grandmother no one else in Aislinn's world is privy to the
sight. She has survived all her life ignoring the Fae, until Keenan appears,
Fae king who will not let her be. Some reason he keeps showing up everywhere
she goes no matter how many cold shoulders she turns his way. What does he want from her? Apart from
all that she has to deal with the many trepidations of ordinary teenage life
with her everyday friends Leslie and Seth. How frustrating. When everything
goes basically to hell, and no laws or rules can protect you, what do you do?
Do you play into the game? or do you hide from the world. Secrets revealed
choices to be made, and the future of the summer and winter courts all lie in
Aislinn's hand.
Dawn recommended this series to me… and bless her heart for sharing!
(I totally heart
you). I just finished WICKED LOVELY by Melissa Marr and am sitting here,
grinning and wondering … how long will it take me to devour the remaining
books! Better get started. This was a great debut novel and Melissa Marr did an
awesome job! Her writing got me into fey books and I haven’t regretted it.
Wicked Lovely is the first novel in a series about a world where the fair folks
and humans mingle. The story debuts Aislinn, a human teenager who can see the
faeries around her, but has been trained all her life to pretend not to see
them. And a Handsome summer king whom has been looking for his queen for
centuries! Torn between the Known and the unknown, what will Aislinn do? I was
drawn into the enticing world of fey and their politics. And all I can stay is
In the end… I was HOOKED!
And did I say??? How much I LOVED this book? I Absolutely LOVE this
Book! And Ink exchange is just lying here winking at me! ;)
Title: Ink Exchange
Author: Melissa Marr
Series: Wicked Lovely # 2
Publisher: Harper Teen
Hardcover: 325
Publication Date: April 29th 2008
The author of the "New York Times" bestseller "Wicked Lovely" continues her tales of Faery in a dark, ravishing story of temptation and consequences, and of heroism when least expected… To 17-year-old Leslie, the tattoo is a thing of indescribable beauty, a captivating mark that she must make her own. But this subtle web of eyes and wings brings with it a transformation that no sweet young girl would ever imagine or welcome. Like its predecessor, this stand-alone sequel toWicked Lovely plunges its youthful heroine into a faery world of almost constant peril. A tantalizing urban fantasy that won't let go
In ink exchange we follow Leslie's story (Aislinn's friend) we have already seen
the winter and summer courts, but now we get an insight to the dark courts.
Leslie's dark past has driven her to find a form of independence. This leads
her to make a decision that binds her faith with the dark courts. With dark twists and turns at every corner
of this book, you can't stop turning the pages until you get a small glimpse of
the sunlight. I love the fact that no matter what there is always a choice to
be made. I was actually rooting for the bad guys (if in fact they are) we see
that to every story there are two sides, and decisions are the hardest choices
we make in life. This book had a more Gothic eerie feel to it compared to the
first book. This is a great series for all Fae lovers.
Ink Exchange is not a sequel to Wicked Lovely, but I certainly recommend
this book! (It all connects!
Melissa Marr’s characters in the first novel have minor parts to play in this
next installment. Basically, it’s about Leslie, a friend of Aislinn’s (the new
summer queen from wicked lovely)! Leslie didn’t know about the feys until she
decided to take control of her life (after being raped) by getting a unique
tattoo. It turns out that this very INK; led her into the hands of the DARK
COURT FEY!!! Just for the record, I like the summer court…. For the weather off
course…. I mean I am team summer!
BUT, The dark court though… I LOVED… for the company. I would visit
summer, but build a residence in the middle of the dark court! They are all
about SEX, pleasure, fun, Dark Humor, debauchery and are wickedly sinful… they bathe in these devious acts… I LOVED every page! (DON’T Judge me)! Only Mellissa Marr
can turn me dark! She is that good of a writer. In this book Mellissa also lets
us see the story from Naill’s point of view -the NEW DARK King and IRI… His
Lover! I can’t give away any spoilers but I was enthralled. I couldn’t stop
reading! I was transfixed! I mean the games these fey plays, their politics,
their shear selfish attitude was just Different and enticing truth be told. And
the Drama WOW! I enjoyed reading this book. In the end, after understanding the
DARK Courts’ take on things… I didn’t know whose side to be on anymore. I was
neutral. And I got “fragile
eternity” Immediately.
Title: Fragile Eternity
Author: Melissa Marr
Series: Wicked Lovely # 3
Publisher: Harper Teen
Hardcover: 389
Publication Date: April 21st 2009
Aislinn never expected to rule in Faerie--but that was before Keenan stole her mortality to make her a monarch. Now she faces challenges and enticements beyond any she'd ever dreamed of.Seth never expected he would want to settle down with anyone--but that was before Aislinn. She is everything he's ever dreamed of, and he wants to be with her forever. Forever takes on a new meaning, though, when your girlfriend is an immortal faery queen.
A truce has been made. The ink is set. Aislinn is now torn. She
thinks she has made her choice, but in fragile Eternity we see that not all her
choices are the best. Aislinn is torn between Keenan and Seth, faery world and
the human world. How is she going to keep her court as well as herself happy?
Seth himself is torn. He finds it hard to share Aislinn with keenan and the
summer court. He is an outcast. He has a hard choice to make as well. Danika,
the sweet caring wolf girl we once knew is no more and it seems to me that ice
has patched over her heart. We also get a glimpse into the High Court, another
Fae world in it's own. What choices will be made? I must say that I do not quit agree with the choices of
everyone in this book and can't wait for the next book to reveal the
consequences of their actions. This is one of my favorites of the series. So
much is revealed yet so much has to be answered. I was captivated in this
page-turner. I give it two thumbs, a nose and all my toes.
As anticipated this book was awesome. It’s a continuation of the same story;
this time the focused yet again is on Ash- the summer queen and Seth- her human
lover, Keenan- the Summer King, Donia, - the winter queen and the HIGH COURT!
In this installment, Seth and Aislinn are trying to figure out where they fit
in the human world, since the world as both of them have always known… has
changed so drastically! Seth is human… He will die someday and he can’t deal
with it! So naturally, he went
seeking for eternity. Mellissa,
Mellissa, Mellissa, Melissa! (Totally chanting her name like a prayer). She is
divine! I can’t really explain this book, all I know is …. Her writing is all
about choices and consequence! SHE does not cuddle her writers. And the reality
of it all is mind numbing and you finding yourself dreaming about her books!
(NOT… that I ever did)… I just know! This book/ series is addictive! Melissa
Marr’s world is seductive, indistinct, and all encompassing; truthfully, until
I finished this book, I couldn’t pull my mind out of it. I found it impossible to stop reading …
I was entranced. A must read!
Title: Radiant Shadow
Author: Melissa Marr
Series: Wicked Lovely # 4
Publisher: Harper Collins
Hardcover: 328
Publication Date: April 20th 2010
Hunger for nourishment.Hunger for touch.Hunger to belong.
Half-human and half-faery, Ani is driven by her hungers.Those same appetites also attract powerful enemies and uncertain allies, including Devlin. He was created as an assassin and is brother to the faeries’ coolly logical High Queen and to her chaotic twin, the embodiment of War. Devlin wants to keep Ani safe from his sisters, knowing that if he fails, he will be the instrument of Ani’s death.Ani isn’t one to be guarded while others fight battles for her, though. She has the courage to protect herself and the ability to alter Devlin’s plansAnd his life. The two are drawn together, each with reason to fear the other and to fear for one another. But as they grow closer, a larger threat imperils the whole of Faerie. Will saving the faery realm mean losing each other?
What happens when order and chaos both try
to be on top? Well in
radiant shadows we see exactly the outcome to that. A great curve ball ending
that I was so not expecting. Melissa Marr went above and beyond in this one.
Yes she brought it in this one. We get the answers as to what happens when
certain choices are made. A spiral of unexpected events unravels a great urban
Fae story. Seth is on the loose, Ani is on the run, Devlin is giving way to
chase, and the High Queen has made a choice that is unrelenting to her court.
Niall is torn with numerous decisions, Irial is on a top-secret mission and Sorcha
is running rampant. My favorite in the series had- me crying, laughing and
fuming at certain parts. I never thought that I could some of these characters
sooo much.. Can't wait for Darkest Mercy where my thirst will be sated. Melissa
I give you Two thumbs my nose toes. My whole frickin body.
For folks who haven't read the first three
books wicked lovely, ink
exchange and fragile eternity in the Wicked Lovely series must do so before
reading Radiant Shadows. The plot has countless characters and clashes that may
be tricky even for those whom are well versed in folklore. Radiant Shadows is
the fourth book in the series. It takes on the points of view of Ani (from the
Dark Court) and Devlin (High court assassin), both were minor character in the
first three narrative. While Aislinn, Seth, and other key players were facets
in the previous books up to this point. They are still very important, but they
are minor characters in this book. The book centers Devlin the product/
brother/ son/ assassin to logic and war. Basically, he has no life. A cold
hearted fey, doing whatever the High court wants of him while at the same time,
controlling his yearning and his heart! Until faith led him to Ani- a hound!
Torn between war and reason, duty and love all I can stay is following him was
an intense ride to say the least. And I LOVED it! LOVED it! With Melissa Marr,
you can never predict what ride she is going to taken you on. Her writing Is
like a cloud or a morning sunrise, so beautiful to a point were you couldn't
stop…. Even for a sec, you are just transfixed enthralled mesmerize and when
you are done reading you feel sapped and you want more. And knowing that there
is only one book left in this series… is painful… I actually ache and I don’t
want it to end. This book was transcendent and the writer I don’t know a better
adjective to use is qualifying her she is just ethereal and I can’t compare
what she does to anyone else. With her series it is difficult to feel attached
to any particular one character. So you just read and imagine the entire
situation wicked and lovely unravel. This was
Title: Darkest Mercy
Author: Melissa Marr
Series: Wicked Lovely # 5
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication Date:
The Summer King is missing; the Dark Court is bleeding; and a stranger walks the streets of Huntsdale, his presence signifying the deaths of powerful fey.Aislinn tends to the Summer Court, searching for her absent king and yearning for Seth. Torn between his new queen and his old love, Keenan works from afar to strengthen his court against the coming war. Donia longs for fiery passion even as she coolly readies the Winter Court for battle. And Seth, sworn brother of the Dark King and heir to the High Queen, is about to make a mistake that could cost his life.Love, despair, and betrayal ignite the Faery Courts, and in the final conflict, some will win . . . and some will lose everything.The thrilling conclusion to Melissa Marr's New York Times bestselling Wicked Lovely series will leave readers breathless.
Hmm..Where to start...this series was such
a great series. I felt so
complete after reading this. Where I thought it truly impossible to have a good
ending to this, Melissa Marr surprised me. We see ultimate sacrifices, true
love, and corruption at its highest. A few of my favorite characters were
missed in this book, would have liked one last good bye and I shed a few tears
as I had to say a final good bye to a few of my favorites. But in this book we
got the action Melissa had us hyped for in the last couple books. A
mysterious new fae lurks his head
in the streets. Seth tries to set things right, ash is torn with her choices,
and Donia, i feel as if she was doomed from the start of darkest mercy.. Nial
and irial are basically coming to the end of one road to face another. Great
twists, turns and ever so exciting. ..Only because I missed some of my favorite
The darkest mercy is the fifth and final book in the wicked lovely
series. It wasn’t what I expected. Fact is I didn’t know what I expected, but
in the end I was at peace. The summer king… I have always liked…. I knew there
was something there in him that kept me a fan. He… is different, a lot of
things were centered around him… in the end he found happiness, which means I
am happy that he was happy. I never like Donia until this installment. I guess
I understand her better. It was a
good conclusion, but this isn’t my favorite book in the entire series. I thought the summer king deserves
more! The merry go round and the wild conclusion was a bit farfetched! However,
Great job!
Wicked Lovely Series
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