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Tuesday, June 7

Wolves of Mercy Falls By Maggie Stiefvater

(Wolves of Mercy Falls #1)By Maggie StiefvaterGrace and Sam share a kinship so close they could be lovers or siblings. But they also share a problem. When the temperature slips towards freezing, Sam reverts to his wolf identity and must retreat into the woods to protect his pack. He worries that eventually his human side will fade away and he will be left howling alone at the lonely moon. A stirring supernatural teen romance
I must say this book was recommended to be by a friend based on my liking of the Twilight series. What encountered me inside was not old tales of blood silver bullets and the full moon, but a romantic, thrilling tale, of love which is not given but fought for. Sam has a many secrets- his love for Grace and his double life he lives. Grace is in love but not the typical kind of love romances are made of. When times get hard for the wolves, Sam runs into deep trouble, and Grace is faced with several of the hardest choices she will have to make in her life, Shiver is made. Literally Maggie had me shivering throughout this tale to the very end. With a new twist on lycanthropes as we know them Maggie has this complete tale filled with love, drama, action and nail biting moments. Definitely two thumbs UP This is the first installment in the mercy falls werewolf series.

Grace watches the wolves in the woods behind her house every winter. Her favorite is a yellow-eyed wolf and he watches back.
Sam is a wolf during winter and he spends his summers as a human. And he’s been in love with Grace for quite a while even as a wolf. This is a story about a boy who is a wolf and a girl who is in stasis! Though she doesn’t know that yet. Sam and Graces love is different, it’s a love that brings hope yet compels at the same time. All I know is after reading this book, in the end…. I did shiver literally! The book lived up to its name and then some. Maggie Stiefvater’s imagination of Sam and Grace’s complicated relationship is brilliant! It was a smooth read. The hindrance that has to be conquered before they could be together was there right from the beginning. And you feel the impossible heaviness of “how will they ever overcome this problem.” Yet booklovers doesn’t feel put off by knowing too much too soon. It was a page-turner and I loved it. Too bad LINGER wouldn’t be released until next year.

(The Wolves of Mercy Falls #2)by Maggie StiefvaterIn Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver, Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in Linger, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being. For Sam, this means grappling with his werewolf past . . . and figuring out a way to survive into the future. Add into the mix a new wolf named Cole, whose own past has the potential to destroy the whole pack. And Isabelle, who already lost her brother to the wolves . . . and is nonetheless drawn to Cole.
We continue from where we left off in Shiver- Grace and Sam is now trying to move on. Initially I thought that Shiver was complete in its own and there was no need for a second novel, but by the time I was done I was pining for Forever the third and final novel in this series. When I thought all secrets revealed and everything was laid out on the table, out comes a whole new set of surprises. Grace has some locked up in her closet while Sam fights those from his past. We meet a new character Cole and also see the POV from Isabel from the first book. I never warmed up to Isabel in book 1 but I think I definitely liked her in Linger. With twists turns ups and downs you never fully figure out this book to the end. Wonderfully written Two thumbs UP

I thought Shiver was a stand-alone book, but LINGER, is the much-anticipated sequel to Maggie stiefvater’s SHIVER! Linger now has 2 NEW point of views that go along with Sam and Grace. Cole! – The new character is super hot and cocky! He brings something new to the story line. And I really liked his stand- point!
Sometimes it does get a little puzzling trying to keep up with who is talking and the story of it, but it is worth the challenge! The story is about a girl who is changing and a boy who is in stasis. Can love get anymore challenging? Will they survive? And what part is Cole going to play in all of this? I was not disappointed with this book. I enjoyed every page. Though the ending was a little heart breaking BUT there is always forever, the third and final installment. Maggie Stiefvater is a talented writer and I would read anything she writes!


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