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Saturday, January 14

Cinder (Lunar Chronicles) By Marissa Meyer

 Cinder (Lunar Chronicles #1)

By Marissa Meyer
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .
Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

 Cinder, is a debut book by Marissa Meyer, its a re telling of the story Cinderella. However, it’s not the traditional riding in the sunset and living happily ever after kind of book! I have to be honest; this book was painful to read! I have no Idea, why anyone would call this brilliant! I can’t even give points to this writing for originality because it seemed to me that I was not only frustrated by the re telling, but watching the movie “Princess Diaries”, (the part were Mia was trying to escape in her old beat up car… and it started raining…. The only difference is, Cinder wasn’t singing the “stars” song and Cinder was racing to the palace and not away from it! How. Charming!)  The book was badly plotted, the outline was a joke and very much predictable! It was sadly disappointing… Worst, I couldn’t even judge the book based on originality!  Because it is not! The only part that was original is the fact that Cinder is a “Cyborg” and some funny little comments oh! Stars! “Iko”, the outdated Android! … Hence my rating is 1 star!!!!


roro said...

tnx 4 sharing your review

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