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Wednesday, March 9

Wondrous Strange Series, by Lesley Livingston

Wondrous strange By Lesley Livingston          Kelley Winslow is living her dream. Seventeen years old, she has moved to New York City and started work with a theatre company. Sure, she's an understudy for the Avalon Players, a third-tier repertory company so far off-Broadway it might as well be in Hoboken, but things are looking up—the lead has broken her ankle and Kelley's about to step into the role of Titania the Fairy Queen in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Faeries are far more real than Kelley thinks, though, and a chance encounter in Central Park with a handsome young man will plunge her into an adventure she could never have imagined
 Wondrous strange is a story about a 17 years old actress who is struggling with identity crisis.
 (Worst she doesn’t even know that yet!) She's a carrying card member of the real world… that means she doesn’t believe in fairies. Until Sonny flannery!  (A random act of kindness sealed her faith or could it be faith meddling again? perhaps destiny? Or bad luck?). It was love at first sight, but destiny can be an ally or a terrible enemy… it depends on which way you look at it.
"My heart... my firecracker he calls her…."
Lesley Livingston is an amazing writer. She writes with purity, honesty and passion. She teases you with sweet enchantment… soft, yet enticing! Then she suck you right in. I loved every minute of the fey tale she has woven. She weaves a complicated plot of romance and intrigue!  The complex patterns in which she evolves individuals’ lives… are woven together breathlessly. Being that I am well versed in folklore, Lesley has written a different side of the fey (s) That I thought could be allies. In this breathtaking masterpiece, trickery was epic on the pedestal and deception was the backbone! In the end… Que Sera, Sera I loved it!!! Kudos to Lesley Livingston! 4 stars   

Darklight (Wondrous Strange #2) by Lesley Livingston Despite the allure of the Faerie magick now coursing through her veins, Kelley Winslow’s just trying to get her New York City life back to normal. That means theater rehearsals for Romeo and Julietand nightclub outings with roommate Tyff, even though Kelley misses gorgeous changeling Sonny Flannery so much her heart could burst. But Kelley’s newfound abilities have not gone unnoticed by malevolent eyes.When a terrifying encounter in Central Park hurls Kelley into the Faerie Otherworld, her reunion with Sonny is joyful but all too brief. For Kelley and Sonny have been plunged into a game of Faerie deception and wavering allegiances in which the next move could topple a kingdom . . . or tear them apart.

   Dark light is a little darker than Wondrous Strange, but seized me in an enthralling way!  The story starts with Sonny, the Janus warrior being back in the faerie realm completing a task for his King, and Kelley left behind in the mortal world. Two worlds apart, blossoming romance, Kelley frantically wishes she were with Sonny. Beyond her heartache for Sonny, Kelley is in danger and needs a friend or someone to protect her or better teach her how to use her fey gifts. Fennrys, another Janus warrior becomes her personal protector until Sonny returns back to the mortal world. 
You know when they say be careful what you which for… because it might just Come true??? Yeah! A classic case... Because Sonny, Kelley and Fennrys somehow ended up in the fey realm!   Danger!!!
Dark light kept me on the edge of my sit… it seems everyone has something to hide or up to no-good and Sonny and Kelley are in the middle of all the lies, secrets and deception…
There is a reason why Aubroen had taken a kin interest in Sonny and you are about to find out. The ending was a heartbreaking, but All in All I LOVED IT!
Lesley Livingston is a force to reckon with! 4 stars! -Winnie

Tempestuous (Wondrous Strange #3) by Lesley Livingston“I don’t love Sonny Flannery.”That’s the lie Kelley Winslow told to protect the boy she loves from a power he doesn’t know he possesses. Devastated, Sonny retreats—to a haven for Lost Fae that’s hidden deep underneath New York City. The intrigue and romance that began with Wondrous strange and Darklight has come to a stormy end in Tempestuous, the breathtaking         conclusion to Lesley Livingston’s ravishing urban Faerie trilogy. 

 They say Fae’s can’t lie!
 Well… Kelley DID tell a lie to try to protect the boy she finds irresistible. Kelley must try to make things right with Sonny, save his magick from destroying the possessor, Sonny himself and try to save her Mother and Father!!!
In the meantime, Sonny finds himself hiding out with Lost Fae and tending to his hurt feelings, in light of Kelley’s recent declaration of unrequited love! He couldn’t hide out with lost fae forever!!!  He decides to face his problem head on… just like the mythical phoenix he rose from his ashes only, to find himself pulled into the larger danger he had no idea had surrounded him while sulking.
Kelley and Sonny team forces to right the evil scheme going on in the Faerie realm, and try to prevent it from spilling into the mortal world, they also found their way back to each other. Wondrous Strange is the final installment in this series!!!   And to me it’s a bittersweet ending. Though I will love to see Kelley and Sonny carry on, I applaud Lesley’s inkling in understanding when a series has reached its peak and knowing when to take a bow… she is an amazing writer indeed.
Lesley continued to delight me with her sophisticated writing, in detailing her characters definitions yet letting each character excel in their unique voice, charming trait and making a remarkable connection.
 Kelley remained a worthy female central character that grew into an exceptional faerie princess.
In Tempestuous, Lesley Livingston brings together all the pieces of the entire collection, which concludes a pleasing cycle. 4 stars!!! And I can’t wait to read her next magnum opus!


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